Last week in Earl’s Hill

All of the children in Earl’s Hill had a fantastic week last week and worked really hard. In Literacy last week the children in reception enjoyed lots of different activities which enabled them to apply the new sounds they learnt in phonics. On Thursday we learnt all about tigers and then wrote a fact about them. We even remembered that a sentence needs a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end- super work reception!

On Thursday we talked about what community means.

On Wednesday all of the children enjoyed making a bird feeder to take home. Thank you so much for the home learning projects. We discovered that the most common bird was the ‘Wood Pigeon’.  

In Maths last week reception children were looking at numbers to 5 and noticed that they create a staircase pattern.

The whole class have enjoyed drawing club this week.

In Art we have been drawing using continuous line. The children were really focused on the object they were drawing.

On Friday reception children explored shapes with 4 sides. We painted with Lego pieces and noticed that squares and rectangles have 4 sides.

Finally in Science we discussed how different materials can be changed. We talked about how we can twist, stretch, squash and bend different objects.

Well done Earl’s Hill. You are superstars!