We have had a super busy week yet again in nursery, continuing to develop our independence and social skills. We have been looking at different ways of travelling as part of our pathways text Crocodile creek as the animals go on a journey in the story, this has led to talking about how we travel to school. We have used sand and paint to make marks with tractors, cars, trains etc. Thankyou to those parents that sent in pictures of the children on a journey, these are valuable to encourage more conversation and develop their knowledge and understanding.

We have been done some baking biscuits where we learnt how to mix, take turns and learnt how biscuits were made. We were very good at following instructions.

We once again had Neil and Paris for a movement session, this week the chidden worked in pairs to move the ball to each other. They were very impressed with the super listening and following instructions.

This week has been national storytelling week, so we have enjoyed some wonderful storied from different grown ups from our school.

We are learning everyday and every play opportunity is a learning opportunity, we are learning to be social friends, great communicators, explorers and much more.


Thanks for your continued support in your Childs learning. We value each contribution you make

Have a great weekend and we will see you Monday for more learning and exploring.


Miss Evans Mrs Wickwar, Mrs Dallow and Miss Rowley.