Hello everyone,

Its that time again where you get to see the wonderful experiences and learning opportunities your children have been up to in nursery this week.

We have finished our crocodile story and have been looking at different ways of travelling. We have looked at how a hot air balloon works and the children were keen to decorate hot air balloons in their play as well. We played a game where the children had o say whether the vehicles belonged on a road, the sky, on a track, or in water. They were very clever and knew all about different ways to travel. We even talked about submarines and watched a video clip to help expand their knowledge.

We have been on a learning walk through school to match our colours, we all had a different colour and found lots of different things the same colour.

Some children have been introduced to the S sound in phonics with Fred the frog, they are little superstars.

As always the children are growing in independence and becoming social learners, thankyou for your continued support, we really appreciate it.

Today we are having a valentines party as a fantastic finish to the term, we hope you all have a wonderful week off and look forward to seeing you on Monday 19th February

Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar, Miss Rowley and Mrs Dallow.