What’s Stiperstones been up to?

Stiperstones have had a busy start to the Spring term, there have been many superstars, Jelly Bean maths for NSPCC Numbers Day, lots of children have started their swimming lessons, many children have represented the school at sporting tournaments  and we’ve had a trip to The Marches to watch Shrek!

⭐️ Stars of the Week ⭐️

Georgia was a Stiperstones Superstar for her amazing swimming.

Teya was a Stiperstones Superstar for her excellent writing in English. 

Sienna was a Stiperstones Superstar for her excellent maths. 

Alfie was a Stiperstones Superstar for making an excellent start in Stiperstones and settling into life at Holy Trinity well.


🟨🟩🔢Jelly Bean maths for NSPCC number day 🔢🟩🟨

We has great fun celebrating Number Day on the 2nd of March. There were some excellent math themed outfits and great, fun maths was completed. Even better, lots of Jelly Beans were consumed in the learning process! 😋

📚 Library Scavenger Hunt 📚

Stiperstones had great fun completing a book scavenger hunt, during one of their library sessions. The scavenger hunt made them think hard about different genres of text in the library and how to correctly use the alphabet to search for authors.

Science- the Human Heart

In science this term, we’ve been learning out the circulatory system and the function of the heart. In one of our lessons, we had a close look at the make up of a heart by examining a lamb heart. The children found it fascinating and enjoyed being able to identify the four chambers.

Swimming Success! 🏊

Well done to James for achieving his 15m badge in swimming. Well done to Mert for achieving his 10m badge. 


Biscuit love was in the air 🍪 ❤️

On the last day of term, there was biscuit love and icing chaos in the air! The children had great fun icing and decorating their valentine biscuits, helping Y3/4 raise money for their Liverpool trip.