Hello all and welcome back after the half term, the children have once again returned easily and settled back into nursery routine. This term our Pathways text we are looking at is called The Pirates are Coming, so we will be engaging in lots of pirate themed activities as well as going with the children’s interests.

We have introduced the story and had a discussion about what the children already know about pirates, their knowledge blew me away! We had talk about cannon balls, and pirate ships and x marks the spot. The children have been finding hidden gems and treasure in the sand pit.

Fred the ‘phonics’ frog has woke up after the break and has continued to use Fred talk to encourage the children to blend words together which is part of their early reading and writing. Some children have even been practicing certain sounds and have even had a go at writing these. We are so impressed and proud of them!

Here are some photos of the fun and learning we have engaged in this week.


Please continue all your hard work at home! Your children are delightful and amaze us everyday. Have a good weekend!

Miss Evans, Mrs Wickwar, Miss Rowley, Mrs Dallow