Our Week in Clee


Welcome to the second half of the Spring term.


We have had a really lovely week; the children have returned full of excitement and enthusiasm.


This week in Maths we have been learning about comparing amounts. We have compared amounts through pictures and real objects. The children have furthered their understanding through various activities which they have worked at with a partner:



To introduce our new focus text ‘The Pirates are Coming’ by John Condon a map arrived showing our outdoor area and a clue. We read the clue, followed it and found more clues. At the end of the clues we found a treasure chest; the children were very excited! They wrote lists of what was in the chest, made their own treasure maps and used their Phonic knowledge to write the words with pictures:

Many of the children brought in a box with their own special treasures in. They took turns to show these to the rest of the class:



We have talked about our value of ‘Hope’. The children listened to a story about hope, we talked about hope in our school prayer and motto. We then discussed what we hope for:



Here are some other activities we have been doing this week:


Next week we are hving a trip to the library and celebrating St David’s Day and Baba Marta Day.