Our Week in Clee


We have had a great week which has been full of fun and learning.


In Maths we have been continuing our learning about counting. We have practised counting up to and beyond 30, and listening for the number patterns as we count. The children helped Muddles the Monkey as he gets really muddled as he counts and sometimes counts objects twice or counts in the wrong order. They told him what he was doing wrong and how to count correctly:



In Literacy we looked at the covers of our focus book ‘The Pirates are Coming’ and read the blurb, The children made predictions as to what they think is going to happen in the story:



We had a fantastic visit to Oswestry library. The children were a credit to the school; they walked really well (chatting all the way there and back), they sat and listened to 5 stories read by one of the librarians, voted for their favourite and then explored the library:



On Friday in Understanding the World we learned about St David’s Day in the morning and Baba Marta Day in the afternoon.

For St David’s Day we watched a video about celebrating St David’s Day and the story of St David. We listened to the Welsh National Anthem, looked at where Wales is on the map and talked about leeks, daffodils and Welsh cakes being special to Wales. The children then made observational paintings of daffodils, made daffodils and St David’s Day cards and coloured in Welsh flags. They enjoyed Welsh cakes for snack:



To help us learn about Baba Marta Day some children came to tell us the story of Baba Marta and showed us how to make Martenitsas. They then helped the children to make their own Martenitsas:



Here are photos of some of our other learning and fun we have had during the week:



Next week we will be learning about Eric Carle’s art and celebrating World Book Day on Thursday.