Our week in Hawkstone

what a busy week!

Wee started off the week with a visit from Oswestry fire brigade sharing information about safety at home.

In science, we have been conducting an egg investigate to see which liquid causes the most harm to an egg shell- this is the representation of a tooth and it’s enamel 🦷 Results are in next week!

In french we have been playing Simon says to our newly learnt body parts.

worship this week on Wednesday was all  about the lyrics to ‘this is amazing grace’.


We were inspired by our PSHE lesson where we looked at plastic pollution and discussed who was responsible. From this we are monitoring to usage of single use plastic in our school.


On Tuesday we went on our trip to Liverpool, it was such an interesting and informative visit to the different places of worship. The children have been writing reflections.

In athletics, we focused on FAST

F – Face forward – head still
A – Arms pump fast – hip to lip
S – Speedy feet
T – Trunk to be upright

In English, we have been learning about whales, we wrote a letter to David Attenborough sharing our own knowledge and facts and posted these off today – hoping to get a reply to our questions. We also wrote a poem about whales. Below are some example: