Our week in Earl’s Hill

We have had yet another lovely week in Earl’s Hill this week.

On Monday reception children enjoyed junk modelling! We used lots of different materials to make pirate ships. It was lovely to hear that some of the children had continued to add more onto these at home.

Reception children also had a visit from the church this week. We gave lots of good examples of how we show love to others.


On Wednesday reception children found messages outside from the pirates. We read the messages together and used our phonics to write some back. We have put these into a bottle just like the pirates would have done!

Year One children have been trying so hard in Literacy too. On Thursday we sequenced our story so far and used story language to retell the case of the missing mammoth! Well done year one.

On Friday we discussed St David’s Day. Miss Langford came to tell us all about why St David’s day is celebrated and we learnt some new Welsh words.

On Friday reception children explored mass in Maths. We used the scales to find a balance.

This week we have also talked about our value ‘hope’ We read a lovely story about hope and then discussed what hope means and what we are hopeful for. Year One children wrote messages of hope and we then joined these together to make a banner. Reception children enjoyed decorating some ‘hope’ pictures for our reflection area.


To finish off the week we looked at ‘Life cycles’ as part of our new science topic. We used the computer to help us research the life cycle of an ant. We then made headbands and enjoyed telling others around school how an ant develops and changes.