Our week in Earl’s Hill

We have had another wonderful week in class this week.

Reception children have been writing words and captions this week in Literacy and have been working independently to write/draw messages to the pirates. On Wednesday we put these into bottles and decorated them. We have also been busy brushing our teeth everyday!

Year One children have been busy using computers and creating pictograms. On Thursday we introduced our new explorer, Neil Armstrong, in History. We enjoyed watching a video of Apollo 11 taking off. It was amazing!

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. We talked about why books are important and each child had the opportunity to show the class the outfit they had chosen and talk about a favourite book. Thank you to those who brought in home learning projects! I was blown away by how much effort the children had put into them, well done.

Woody and Buzz!!

I would just like to say how amazing the children were during our visit to Booka Bookshop. We listened to stories and talked about how the books made us feel.


On Friday Reception children enjoyed exploring capacity. We used different sized jugs, cups and containers to see what capacity they had by counting the amount of Lego bricks that they could hold.