Our week in Hawkstone class

Well done to Gurbani who is our star of the week for her maturity everyday and positivity in every lesson.

In science, we looked at our eggs which we placed in different liquids the outcome was shocking.

This is connect club, run by members of Holt Trinity Church, it runs fortnightly in the library. This week the children discussed the old and New Testament.

In English, we have been researching whales and finding out how and what they eat.

In PSHE we have been learning about plastic pollution, this links with our English unit and the whales in the ocean. The children spoke to the kitchen staff about the amount of single use plastic we use. The kitchen are happy to work with us to reduce the amount of plastic we provide. Starting with school trips.

The choir went to the local nursing home to sing their favourite songs, well done all who went it was such a fantastic experience, we will be sending Easter cards to the nursing home in the last week before Easter.

We joined the other schools in St Chad’s academy trust for a collective worship celebrating St Chad’s Day

Well done to all the children for supporting world book day. Each child came home with a book voucher. Here are some pictures of the day.

Picture News this week was also linked to world book day. Well done to Molly  for reading the information and Fikayo for reading the prayer.