What have Stiperstones been up to?

In Stiperstones we have had a very busy half term, with many Stiperstones Superstars.

Cohan was our Star of the Week for his greatly improved effort and concentration in class.

Jason was our Star of the week for his excellent History Work.

Steven was our Star of the Week for the amazing courage and bravery he showed in his swimming lessons.



We started the term by completing our art unit ‘Identity’. Where we were inspired by the work of Matt , creating layered self portraits.


World Book Day 

World Book Day saw the Y5’s go to Morten Hall, for an author workshop by Frank Cottrell- Boyce.


In our DT unit this term, we have been studying food technology, where we needed to create a baked dish for a celebration. With the upcoming event of Easter, we decided to make Hot Cross Buns. Hot Cross Buns in the Christian religion were introduced to represent the death and resurrection of Jesus.

We started our unit by researching the history of the Hot Cross Bun. We then evaluated and tasted existing products, to help us design our own.

Once we had tasted, evaluated and designed our own Hot Cross Buns, it was time to make them!