Our last week of the Spring Term


We have had a really busy last week of the Spring Term. We have enjoyed lots of Easter crafts, going to Church and our Pirate Day.


In Literacy we read to the end of our ‘The Pirates are Coming’ book. The children were very surprised at the ending! This week we received some scrolls from the pirates telling us that they had stolen Travel Ted. To get him back the children had to write to the pirates to tell them why we want him back. We did this and thankfully they returned him unharmed and wearing a pirate eye patch:



On Wednesday we had a surprise visit from the Easter bunny who left eggs for us to collect:



On Thursday we joined the rest of school in church for the Easter service. The children were fantastic and sang like real superstars.

In the afternoon we did an Easter parade around the other classrooms so that everyone could admire our Easter bonnets and hats:



Here are some photos of other experiences during the week:



On Friday we finished the term in pirate style as we all dressed in pirate costumes and enjoyed lots of pirate activities with Earls Hill and Nursery children:

What a fantastic week!

We hope you all have a lovely Easter, please remember to send photos via Dojo for the children to show when we are back in school.

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Owen, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Dorofte.