Hello everyone, welcome back to Nursery. We hope you had an amazing break for Easter and made some special memories with your families. The children have returned so well and have enjoyed telling us about what they have gotten up to.

This term we are introducing the story Giganotosaurus as well as following the interests of the children.

We have looked at dinosaur eggs which were starting to hatch and we had great understanding of what maybe inside and how they would come out. The children had great fun releasing and cracking the eggs to find baby dinosaurs inside. This opened up lots of language and communication from the children.

We have had some new children start this week whom have all settled well and are enjoying exploring the nursery environment. Independence is key at this age and we are encouraging this daily either by washing hands getting own coats or shoes on, wiping own noses etc. You can also encourage this at home to ensure they become confident and competent independent learners.

Here are some lovely pictures from our week!