Hello everybody, its that time of the week again where you get to see some of the wonderful activities your children have been doing in nursery. We have had a busy week and the children have become bug explorers they have particularly enjoyed finding bugs in the garden and have been using magnifying glasses, pots to collect their bugs and some children even had a checklist to see what bugs they had found.

We have explored lots of sensory materials as always to increase our imaginative play, both inside and outside. The children love to make soup, and pies in the outdoor kitchen area.

We have explored  a sensory bag where we had to use our hands to describe what object we were feeling. Weve even had parachute games. We have pretended to be dinosaurs and using different movements to do so using our hands and feet and our faces to show different feelings of the dinosaurs also.

We have had lots of language and independence skills displayed this week too.

See you Tuesday

The Nursery Team