Our week in Earl’s Hill

It has been another fantastic week in Earl’s Hill class and the children have been doing lots of exciting things.

On Tuesday we continued our Music topic. Year One children had a go at using the instruments and singing the song at the same time. It was tricky!

On Tuesday Reception children began the ‘Sunflower challenge’. We had a lovely morning researching all about sunflowers and finding out lots of interesting facts. We used the internet and books to look for pictures and find out information. It would be lovely for the children to share all that they know so far with parents/carers at home.

We continued our challenge throughout the week and looked closely at lots of photos of sunflowers. We then used all that we know so far to paint pictures and draw chalk sunflowers. Thank you to the parents/carers that sent in pictures for the children to share.

On Friday reception children enjoyed water play in the sun. We talked about how the containers were full and empty.

Year One children have enjoyed making a sculpture bird as part of our Art topic. We thought about the different colours we wanted to use. We put feathers and wings on our birds and they look fantastic. Well done Year One.

As part of our RE Year One children wrote about different ways we can care for our world. Here is an example piece of writing.

We have finished off the week by planting our own sunflowers. We are starting our Plants topic in science and we are looking forward to watching our seeds grow.


Well done everyone.