Our first week back in Clee


Welcome back to school everyone. The children have returned full of enthusiasm and eager to learn.


This week in Maths we have looked at the sunflowers we planted and discussed how they have changed, and how we can measure them. We have looked at our calendar and what is happening in June:



In Literacy we looked at the front cover of our new focus text ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival. The children predicted what they think may happen in the story. After looking at the front cover and talking about the little girl holding her special bear we showed items which are special to us.

We each had a turn to say what we had been doing during the half term holiday and then drew a picture and wrote about it:



In Understanding the World we looked at how our caterpillars have transformed into chrysalis. We carefully moved them into their new habitat. We voted whether they will be butterflies by Monday. We are excited to see when they will become butterflies.      We used props and read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story :



Here are some of the other exciting things we have been doing this week: