Our first week back in Hawkstone Class

Well back to the last half term of the summer. This one is a busy one with sports day, a trip to the local art gallery, year 4 multiplication test and so much more.

Well done to Niamh who is our star of the week. 🌟

Niamh was chosen because of the writing. Niamh was able to describe a cave using key vocabulary and senses. Well done 🌟

In comprehension we have been using dictionaries and thesaurus’s to understand the key vocabulary within a text.

As part of our English unit, the children had to write a set of instructions using adverbs of time and imperative verbs. The aim was to draw out our plan and write the instructions using the grammatical features.

well done to all the children who have taken part in the multiplication test so far. We have another week ahead of the test so good luck to all this week.