Our week in Earl’s Hill

What another busy week we have had in Earl’s Hill this week.

The children have particularly enjoyed our sports day practice sessions. They can’t wait to show off their skills next week!

Reception have enjoyed brilliant brushers…

On Monday in Maths reception children used their subitising skills.

The whole class have been very excited watching our butterflies emerge this week. We have had lots of conversations about life cycles and how to care for our friends. We have let the butterflies go towards the end of the week.

Reception children have enjoyed focusing on ‘picnics’ this week as part of our Literacy. We talked about what we would take on a picnic and used this in our writing and role play.

In computing this week Year One thought about programmes and outcomes. We talked about how to use ‘Scratch’ ready for when we get the laptops out in a few weeks.

Year one children have also been learning about time this week in Maths. We have been singing days of the week and months of the year songs. I am sure the children will be confident in sharing these at home with you.

Well done Earl’s Hill- you have worked hard this week!