Another great week!

We have had another super busy week in Earl’s Hill. Well done to all of the children for sports day. Both reception and year one children did so well and we are so proud of them all.

This week in Maths reception children have been working on recapping number bonds to 5. We have used different resources such as five frames, part whole models and matching games to help us.

On Monday reception children also learnt about the artist ‘Georgia O’Keefe’. We read a story all about her and then had a go at recreating some of her artwork using water colour paints.

Reception children have enjoyed the sun this week in LEX time. We have had lots of outside play.

The whole class have enjoyed our dough disco sessions this week.

On Thursday in Design and Technology year one children discussed how to safely use cooking utensils. We talked about different utensils and what they are for. We then all had a turn at slicing a banana up. Next week we will be designing our food product.

To finish off the week reception children have been exploring different 3D shapes. We then went on a 3D shape hunt to see what we could find. The children were fantastic!