Our Week in Clee


We have had another brilliant and busy week in Clee.


The highlight of the week has been our Reception sports day. The children were all fantastic. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the children.



In Maths this we we have been consolidating the composition of 5 and higher numbers. The children have explored this by joining in activities including using five and ten frames, writing number sentences and throwing bean bags into hoops:



In Literacy we have read some more of ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival. We lloked at an image from the book anf the children wrote about what they could see. They also joined in other activities including matching words and pictures, drawing a journey, cutting and sticking and labelling parts of a beach scene:



Here are some other activities the children have enjoyed this week:

We are looking forward to our Teddy Bear’s Picnic next week.