Hello all,

What an exciting week we have had. Firstly we arrived at nursery to find a giant key. We asked the children who they thought it might belong to and they though maybe their mummies, or a dinosaur or a pirate. The key fueled their imaginations and they were thinking who it may belong to. The next clue was a set of giant footprints and the children were trying to guess who had been in nursery but the footprints were too big. The next day Miss Falcao’s teddy bear had gone missing so the children made lost posters which we displayed around the school. The children were still trying to work out what was going on. We read a story called “The teddy robber” and instantly the children realized what had happened, in the story a giant steals lots of teddy bears and eventually returns them. The children were then talking about the giant and how we could get the teddy bear back. We wrote a letter to the giant and kept our fingers crossed he would return it.


Eventually we received a video message from Miss Falcao to say her teddy bear had been returned to her home.


Here are some wonderful pictures from our week. A great big thankyou to everyone who attended our teddy bear picnic aswell it was a great success and we appreciate and value your continued support,


The Nursery Team