Our week in Earl’s Hill

We have had another great week in Earl’s Hill this week.

On Tuesday reception children enjoyed our teddy bears picnic! Thank you so much to the parents and carers who came along and joined us. I am sure you will agree it was fantastic and the children had a lovely time.

Lunch followed by lots of outside fun in the sun!

This week year one children have been using Scratch Jr on the laptops as part of our final computing topic this year.

Reception children have enjoyed practising their scissor skills this week and have made their own teddy bear picnic scene.

Reception children have also shown fantastic team work skills this week after deciding to make a train track. We talked about the journey Sofia and her grandad went on in our Literacy text.

In Maths this week Year One have been learning about left, right, forwards and backwards.


Reception children finished off their Maths on Friday with finding 2D shapes in 3D shapes. They were amazing!


Well done everyone for another great week. Next week we will be enjoying graduation day for our reception children! How exciting.