A super busy week!

This week we have had another busy week as we approach the end of term.

Reception children have enjoyed rewriting the ‘See Saw’ story in Literacy this week. I have been blown away by how fantastic their writing is. They have all used a capital letter, full stop, and have sounded out words.

Year One children have rewritten our story of ‘Goldilocks and just the one bear’. We changed the main character to a fox and chose to write about a new setting. Once again, the children all tried extremely hard and should be so proud of the stories they have written.

On Thursday Year One children enjoyed our great fire of London day. We had lots of different activities and the children worked in groups across KS1 to have a turn at everything. They enjoyed making bread, painting the fire, writing a diary entry, and doing a hunt on the field.

Year One have enjoyed some golden time at the end of the week as they have worked so hard.


Year one children have also completed the end of unit quizzes for History and Science and did fantastically well.

On Friday we discussed the holi festival. Each child designed their own holi t-shirt.


We ended the week with our colour run which was so much fun! 

Well done Earl’s Hill. Next week is activities week to end our term.