Well what can i say it has come the time to say goodbye and good luck to some of our older children whom will be going into reception class after the summer break. We have had a busy and fun filled week, for activities week starting with Messy Monday, Tuneful Tuesday, Wet Wednesday, Theatrical Thursday and finishing with fun fair Friday.

We have been super busy joining with Clee class and Earls Hill exploring all the activities that have been happening. Here are some of the photos from the week. As today was the last day with some of them we did not take photos today we wanted to enjoy the time we spent with them.

It has been an absolute pleasure to see the children grow and shine into their own unique personalities and we will miss all those moving into reception class. We look forward to what September brings and welcoming back our younger children for more fun and learning together with some new friends.

We wish you all a happy, healthy and safe summer holidays. Enjoy each other and make lots of memories.

We will see you Wednesday 4th September

The Nursery Team