Hello everyone

We have had a full on busy week in nursery. We have introduced our Pathways text of The Gingerbreadman, which we will be exploring this term with many activities. We found a trail of footprints by the nursery door, and the children were trying to guess whose they could be. The footprints led to some ingredients and we were left a special recipe which we enjoyed making Gingerbread Men biscuits.


We have been looking at different collections of objects, and the children were able to find their own collections during their play. We found big objects, small objects and same shaped objects and put them all together in a collection.


We have had PE with Paris and Neil, we were asked to follow some simple instructions, and they were impressed with our listening skills.

We are constantly encouraging the children to be independent through hand washing, pouring their own drinks, putting on their own coats, washing their cup after snack just to name a few. Please encourage independence at home as much as possible.

Here are some photos of our week this week. Your children will be bringing home  a reading record as part of  Share a Book . We will have a box of books for you to take one to look at with your child and you can write a little something inside the record, this is to encourage looking at books together and prepares for their next journey in reception class


Any questions don’t hesitate to ask a member of the team

Have a good weekend!

The Nursery Team