Hello everyone,

This week in nursery we have been very busy exploring the nursery environment. We have made castles and houses using different shaped blocks and the children were fantastic at making their own. We have followed instructions in PE with Neil and Paris, and learnt how to run to a specific colour and had to think about changing direction when a certain colour was blocked off. The children were very good at listening and following the instructions.


We have read a few more pages of our book The Gingerbread Man and have been practicing “run run as fast as you can”, the children have been playing their own game outside chanting this where one is the gingerbread man and the others have chased.


Some children have been interested in magnets this week so we have been looking at what is magnetic in nursery and they came to the realization  that the objects had to be metal to stick to the magnet. What clever children we have!

We have enjoyed movement and parachute games in the hall and in nursery playground, using our gross motor skills and working together.


Here are some photos of the week


Have  a good weekend

The Nursery Team