Fantastic work in Earl’s Hill this week

We have had another great week in Earl’s Hill and the children have been working very hard.

We have planted cress seeds this week. We were very impressed that they only need to be placed on cotton wool and be watered in order to grow. We will be watching how our cress seeds grow over the next week ready to begin our new science/understanding the world topic, plants.

In Maths this week reception children have been enjoying lots of different sorting activities. Firstly we sorted different objects by colour. We then thought about different ways we can sort.

Lots of fun with brilliant brushers this week. We are becoming teeth brushing experts in reception!

We have continued to study the word of Diana Beltran Herrera in our art. This week year one have designed the bird sculpture that they will be making next week. Reception children enjoyed making birds nests using straw and decorating birds to go inside.

Year one children have continued to enjoy learning about London as part of our Geography. This week we have looked at a map of London.

On Friday reception children enjoyed measuring their height in class on our chart. We discussed the words shorter and taller and what they mean.

To finish off the week we have made our bug house for our garden of hope. Thank you so much to all of the children who have collected different items to go inside. It looks fantastic and I am sure the bugs will agree!

Have a lovely long weekend and I will see you next week.


Our week in Earl’s Hill..

We have had another great week in Earl’s Hill this week.

In Art this week we have been studying a new artist, Diana Beltran Herrera. We looked at her website and the different sculptures that she has made. Year one children had a go at manipulating paper from 2D into 3D to make birds. Reception children enjoyed working together to have a go at drawing feathers.

Reception children enjoyed sorting out different dinosaurs.


In Maths reception have been looking at equal and unequal groups, and were introduced to the word ‘double’. They have been fantastic at spotting doubles. Year one have been continuing to explore a ‘half’.


In LEX time this week reception have been continuing our theme of Dinosaurs based on our literacy text. On Monday they worked together to make a dinosaur land!

Year one have been enjoying Literacy this week. On Thursday we wrote a list of what we would take to a birthday party.


Well done everyone.

Our week

We have had another lovely week in class this week.

On Monday Year One enjoyed guessing what our new topic in Geography is. We looked at different clues and discovered that we will be learning all about London. The children already knew lots about the different things you see in the city. Well done.

We are all enjoying our new Music topic, we are working hard in two groups to sing our song, ‘Your Imagination’.


In Literacy this week reception children went on a word hunt! We then had a go at sounding out the words and writing them onto leaves for the dinosaurs.

Reception children enjoyed using cotton buds to make dinosaur pictures. 

On Friday as part of our Science/Understanding the world we talked about why it is important to wash our hands. We did an experiment to see how soap gets rid of nasty germs. We then made hand washing posters which we are going to put up around school.

Finally we enjoyed our visit from Booka Bookshop. We looked through lots of different books and talked about the ones that we liked and why. Thank you Booka. We will enjoy reading the stories you have left us in class over the next week.

Well done everyone for another great week.

First week of summer 1!

This week we have had a fantastic first few days back after the Easter break. The children have settled back in really well and remembered all of our routines and rules in Earl’s Hill. I am very proud of all of them.

In Literacy this week Year One children found some lost toys in the hall! We have been writing how we think the toys feel, and what they can see, hear and touch.

Reception children were very excited on Wednesday when we discovered an unusual box in the classroom! We have been left a note, egg and book. We are hoping that we are going to have a dinosaur hatch soon. We have been predicting what we think our new story may be about, ‘Giganotosaurus’.

In Art this week we have been looking at videos of birds. We then paused these and looked at the different details we could see. All of the children created some fantastic drawings. Well done.

In RE we have been thinking about our favourite stories.

Reception children have settled back really well into their tooth brushing routine! We talked about why it’s important that we keep our teeth clean.

In Maths on Friday, reception children were thinking about the meaning of ‘long’ and ‘short’. We sorted out different items using hoops into long and short.

Many thanks to all of the parents and carers who came to parents evening. It was lovely to share the children’s hard work with you.

Please can I ask that children are reading as much as possible at home. Have a lovely weekend everyone.



Another fantastic week in Earl’s Hill.

Wow- what a busy week we have had!

On Monday Year One children enjoyed a visit from the exotic zoo. They listened and participated so well in the discussions and enjoyed learning more about the different animals. I am sure they will be able to tell you lots of new and interesting facts at home!

Reception children have enjoyed making pirates hats these week as part of our pirates topic.

On Tuesday we went to Clee Class for our picture news. We talked about mobile phones and why or why not we may need them.

In R.E this week we have made Easter Gardens. We listened to the stories of Holy Week and used these to help us decide what needed to go into our gardens. All of the children had brilliant ideas and the gardens are on display in our classroom.

Year One children have been busing making a car as part of our D&T project. They were fantastic with remembering all of the different components.

Reception children have been doing lots of writing and mark making in Literacy. On Wednesday we decided if we would like to be a pirate or not.


On Thursday as part of our History topic we learnt more about our explorer, ‘Neil Armstrong’. We dressed up like an astronaut and thought about how they may have felt when heading for the moon!

Reception children have finished the week by exploring and comparing capacity. We used jugs and cups in the water tray and were able to say which one had the greatest capacity. Year one children have also been exploring capacity and volume this week in Maths.

To finish off the week we have also been doing funky finger activities to make our finger muscles strong for writing.


Well done everyone!

Our week in Earl’s Hill

We have had another wonderful week in class this week.

Reception children have been writing words and captions this week in Literacy and have been working independently to write/draw messages to the pirates. On Wednesday we put these into bottles and decorated them. We have also been busy brushing our teeth everyday!

Year One children have been busy using computers and creating pictograms. On Thursday we introduced our new explorer, Neil Armstrong, in History. We enjoyed watching a video of Apollo 11 taking off. It was amazing!

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. We talked about why books are important and each child had the opportunity to show the class the outfit they had chosen and talk about a favourite book. Thank you to those who brought in home learning projects! I was blown away by how much effort the children had put into them, well done.

Woody and Buzz!!

I would just like to say how amazing the children were during our visit to Booka Bookshop. We listened to stories and talked about how the books made us feel.


On Friday Reception children enjoyed exploring capacity. We used different sized jugs, cups and containers to see what capacity they had by counting the amount of Lego bricks that they could hold.

Our week in Earl’s Hill

We have had yet another lovely week in Earl’s Hill this week.

On Monday reception children enjoyed junk modelling! We used lots of different materials to make pirate ships. It was lovely to hear that some of the children had continued to add more onto these at home.

Reception children also had a visit from the church this week. We gave lots of good examples of how we show love to others.


On Wednesday reception children found messages outside from the pirates. We read the messages together and used our phonics to write some back. We have put these into a bottle just like the pirates would have done!

Year One children have been trying so hard in Literacy too. On Thursday we sequenced our story so far and used story language to retell the case of the missing mammoth! Well done year one.

On Friday we discussed St David’s Day. Miss Langford came to tell us all about why St David’s day is celebrated and we learnt some new Welsh words.

On Friday reception children explored mass in Maths. We used the scales to find a balance.

This week we have also talked about our value ‘hope’ We read a lovely story about hope and then discussed what hope means and what we are hopeful for. Year One children wrote messages of hope and we then joined these together to make a banner. Reception children enjoyed decorating some ‘hope’ pictures for our reflection area.


To finish off the week we looked at ‘Life cycles’ as part of our new science topic. We used the computer to help us research the life cycle of an ant. We then made headbands and enjoyed telling others around school how an ant develops and changes.

First week of Spring 1…

Well done Earl’s Hill for a great first week back after half term.

This week we have introduced our new Literacy texts for both reception and year one children. On Monday, Year One children found some pictures of bones on the playground. We put them together and discovered a photo of a mammoth skeleton! We have looked at the first few pages of our new text, ‘The curious case of the missing mammoth’ and have been working really hard on finger spaces in our writing this week. On Wednesday reception children followed clues around the classroom and found a hidden treasure box. We discussed what we think might be inside and who could have put it in our school. PIRATES! On Thursday we looked at our treasures from home.



In D&T this week we have been exploring toys with wheels. In Maths this week our year one children have been measuring objects. We have been using rules and measuring in CM. It would be fantastic if children could have a go at measuring items at home to continue their learning. Reception have been continuing to build their understanding of numbers.

In RE this week we heard the story of Palm Sunday and had a go at sequencing the story. We also made palm leaves and sang a song, ‘Hosanna’.

In Drawing Club, we have been reading ‘Were going on a bear hunt’. The children all decided to draw a picture of a bear and used their phonics knowledge to write some amazing codes!

To finish the week we began our new science topic. We discussed the meaning of a life cycle and looked at how humans and ducks develop. We really enjoyed watching a video of a duck hatching and changing as it grows.

Well done Earl’s Hill!

Last week before half term…

We have had another lovely week in Earl’s Hill week and have been very busy with the different things that have been happening.

On Monday we enjoyed learning all about Chinese new year. We talked about why the colour red is seen during Chinese New Year, and listened to the story about the animals race.

In Literacy this week our Year 1 children have finished writing their independent story about the ‘Ant’ and ‘Zebra’. I am absolutely amazed by the work the children have produced and how well written the stories are. They should be so proud of themselves! Reception children have also been working really hard and have made a story map this week in Literacy. We have been using our phonics to write captions to go alongside our drawings. Well done everyone.

In Maths this week Year One children have been learning about doubles and near doubles. It would be great if you could continue this learning at home and support your child in spotting ‘doubles’ in their environment.

In Art this week Year One have been sharing their paintings with friends and discussing what they were proud of and what they would like to improve.

We have also discussed internet safety this week. We learnt a new song about how to keep safe online.

We all enjoyed the valentines disco on Tuesday!

Reception children have also been enjoying the Bike Ability training this week.

On Friday the whole class made valentine’s day cards and we discussed what makes a good friend and how we show kindness and compassion. We also enjoyed doing a dance using the large dragon for Chinese new year.


Have a lovely half term holiday Earl’s Hill and well done for another fantastic week.

What a fun week!

We have had another great week in Earl’s Hill class. Reception children have been doing lots of Maths activities this week and have been thinking of the different ways we can make 5. We have been singing 5 little speckled frogs.

On Friday the whole class enjoyed our numbers day. We talked about the clothes we were wearing and watched the NSPCC Numbers day video. Reception children enjoyed going on a shape hunt around school. We found lots of rectangles and squares.

Our reception children also enjoyed a trip out to the library on Thursday morning. We were so excited and we enjoyed listening to 5 stories. We then voted for the one which we liked the most and went on a treasure hunt. The children were fantastic and so sensible walking to and from the library. We are so proud of you- superstars!!

In Music this week we have been learning to sing our song, ‘In the Groove’. We are practising using the glockenspiels and the children are getting really good at finding the ‘pulse’ of the song.

In Literacy this week our Year One children have been writing the beginning and middle of a new story. We are writing about our new characters- ‘Ant’ and ‘Zebra’. I am so impressed at how well our writing is improving.

Well done for another fantastic week everyone!