The first week back!

What a first week!

Our first week back in Ercall has been a lovely one. We have began practicing our times tables in maths, started our new English unit and book ‘Seal Surfer’ by Michael Foreman, and started looking at the rainforest in Geography among many other activities.

Please note, that we will be doing a PE lesson on Monday so please ensure PE kits are sent in and long hair is tied up.

Next week we will be starting our place value unit in maths, alongside our Science (all living things and their habitats) and learning some French as well. We will also have some spellings and homework sent home next Friday, which will be uploaded to our class page.

I am so impressed by the children’s effort this week – they have all worked so hard and shown fantastic behaviour across the school. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and will see everyone on Monday. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to pop me a message on dojo!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Bikeability Training

Hello all,

Today a letter went home about our bikeability training. This will be taking place on the 31st October – 3rd November in school. This is free of charge and provided by Learn cycle. It is aimed at increasing children’s independence, confidence and safety when on a bike. Please feel free to check out the course providers website for more information.

Please ensure that if you would like your child to attend you;

  • Return the permission slip ASAP, but no later than the 15th October.
  • You are able to bring a roadworthy bike to school on those dates
  • You are able to bring a helmet to school on those dates

if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Miss Roberts

Home learning

There are some home learning resources available below. Please note, if you are feeling unwell please do not feel any pressure to complete them!  RE work is split into two powerpoint as it was too large to upload as one. Please let me know if you are having any difficulty or questions at all!

English Spelling Punctuation and Grammar 

Uploaded to dojo/can be emailed if requested as too large to attach.


Please complete questions from the maths sheet below. If you cannot answer all of them, please do not worry! Just do what you can.

maths sheet


Uploaded to dojo/can be emailed if requested as too large to attach.

Any completed work can be brought back into school when next in, send a picture to me on dojo or emailed over if completed online.

I hope everyone is feeling O.K and if there anything at all we can do to help support you, please just let me know. Have a wonderful half term!

home learning

There are some home learning resources available below. I had a technical glitch which meant they were not uploaded yesterday. Please note, if you are feeling unwell please do not feel any pressure to complete them!  RE work is split into two powerpoint as it was too large to upload as one. Please let me know if you are having any difficulty or questions at all!

RE part 1

RE part 2

RE handout

Maths work. The children have completed all the learning for this block but may need some help as some did find it hard/struggled to understand the question. Please continue to practice timetables on TTRockstars.


Currently I am unable to upload our English work due to the powerpoint being too large! Please see dojo for this or I can email it to you if this is easier. Please continue to read 3 times a week and record this in your reading record.

Any completed work can be brought back into school when next in, send a picture to me on dojo or emailed over if completed online.

I hope everyone is feeling O.K and if there anything at all we can do to help support you, please just let me know.

Longmynd Newsletter

Please see the newsletter below for information regarding homework and this terms schedule. 

Spellings and maths homework will be posted on dojo every week. 

Any new reading books will be sent home every Friday also. 

If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to message or speak to me🙂

Longmynd newsletter