Our week in Ercall

Another lovely week in Ercall, we’ve learnt new skills in netball, had a go at creating different shapes in computing and talked about strengths in PSHE 😊

Our star of the week was Faith, who has been trying especially hard with her reading. Well done Faith 🌟

Next week we will be making circuits in Science, learning about coasts in Geography and time in maths 😊

Have a lovely weekend and please remember no school on the bank holiday Monday!

Miss Roberts 

Last week in Ercall

Last week we had fun making shapes in computing, learning about the rainforest in English and religious milestones in RE 😊

Our star of the week was Keedie, for being a wonderful friend to all those in class. Well done Keedie 🌟

Homework was a times table sheet.

Miss Roberts 

Our week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we’ve returned to the library, started our typography in art and played the glockenspiels in music!

Our star of the week was Eunice. Eunice could be a star every week for her consistent dedication  and hard work. She also completed a brilliant homework piece on protecting the ocean, well done Eunice ⭐️

Next week we will be learning all about rainforests in English, learn about animals in French and starting our electricity unit in science 😊

spellings will be tested on Monday and homework is timestsbles.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Roberts 

Our last week in Spring

What a  fantastic term we’ve had! To finish it off this week, we’ve made a digestion system in Science, completed DT Easter cards for the elderly, and learnt all about Reverends Paul’s day in RE!

our value champion was Viktor. Viktor is  consistently pushing himself to finish all his work to a high quality and remains focused in every lesson. At the start of the year, Viktor was beginning to learn his 3 times tables – due to his hard work in school and home, he’s now on his 12’s! Well done Viktor 😊

Homework is TTRockstars, reading and spelling.

We have parents evenings on the Tuesday and Thursday we return to school. Please dojo for an appointment. We return to school on the 9th April.

Have a lovely half term!

Miss Roberts 

Our week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we’ve learnt about intestine length in Science, found out facts about whales in English and learnt what perimeter is in Maths 😊

Our homework this week is a times table sheet, which children will be tested on on Wednesday.

Our star of the week was Jack. Jack has been working hard on his work and really focusing on making sure he finishes every piece. Well done Jack 🌟

Next week we have our Easter service in church on Thursday, finishing DT cards for the care home and learning about ancient civilisations maths in History 😀

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts 

A week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we’ve finished our assessments, learnt some new mindfulness  poses in PE and found out our results from our science experiment 😊

This week’s star of the week is Victor who has worked really hard on his handwriting. Well done Viktor 🌟

Next week we have our Siam’s assessment, learn about whales in different seasons for English and find our about early civilisations use of money in History.

Homework this week is a times table sheet, which is tested on Wednesday.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts 

Our week in Ercall

What a lovely week we had last week, we went to Liverpool on our school trip, started a science experiment and began an athletics unit with Neil in PE 😊

This week we will be concluding our science experiment in the effects of sugar drinks on our teeth, completing some assessments and learning about writing systems in history.

Homework was a timestable sheet and spellings have also been given out.

our star of the week was not in, so will be celebrated this week.

we also have world book day on Thursday. Children are welcome to come to school dressed as their favourite character, we are asking a donation of £1 to help support buying some new resources for our reading for pleasure.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts

Our week

This week we’ve started a new unit in English, began to learn some mindfulness poses and learnt about data in computing.

Our star of the week is Matthew. Matthew has worked really hard on our fraction unit and impressed us all. Well done Mathew ⭐️

next week we have our Liverpool trip, some athletics with Neil and will be learning about levers and linkages in DT.

have a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts and Mrs Rowley