Our first week in Ercall!

I hope everyone had a lovely week last week – it was certainly busy! We started a new PE unit on tag rugby, read the start of our English book ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne, and learnt how to say ‘I am’ in French!

This week we will be practising Mamma Mia in music, finding about countries across the world in Geography and learning about the creation story in RE. Spelling tests will be carried out on Monday and please ensure homework is returned on Friday (either a book review or times table sheet). If you are having any trouble with homework, I am more than happy to help during a break time, just let me know. PE days are still Monday and Wednesday, however please ensure PE kit is kept in school encase this changes due to the weather.

Our  curriculum map and newsletter can now be found on our class page, offering some more information about what we will be studying this half term 😊

Our star of the week was Konrad who has come back to school with a very grown up and mature attitude – well done Konrad ⭐️

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and is feeling refreshed ready for the week!

Miss Roberts

This week in Ercall

What a week in Ercall! We had sports day, a colour run and an RE day! 🤩

Next week we have move up morning, reports, and a vision day too!

Our stars of the week were, Tommy, Mano, Gabriela and Kaden. Kaden has made some wonderful progress with his reading, passing most of his book tests! Gabriela always tries hard in her maths, never shying away from a challenge. Mano was really brilliant in our sports day, giving everything a go and always makes those near him smile. Well done all 🌟 ⭐️ 💫

Homework this week is to ensure any railway projects are ready for the 17th as we do need this in our lesson.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

This week in Ercall

This week we have practised for sports day, began stitching our sunglasses case, and wrote an invitation for a soirée in English!

Our star of the week is Millie, who has been working hard on her handwriting and brings a smile to all those around her! Well done Millie ⭐️

Next week we have our colour run on Monday, sports day on Tuesday and be bringing home the sunglasses cases too! 🕶

Homework this week is fraction addition, practising how we only add the numerators (top number) if the denominator (bottom number) is the same.

I hope everyone enjoys the sunshine this weekend!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Last week in Ercall

Last week in Ercall we practised our handwriting joins, learnt about how a steam engine works and practised our cricket in PE 😊

Our star of the week was Liliana, who always works hard and produced a wonderful piece of writing in our English. Well done Liliana ⭐️

This week we will be completing some assessments, finishing our fractions unit and learning ice cream flavours in French 🇫🇷

Homework was to read in an unusual place. Please send a picture via dojo or draw one if you are unable to.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

This week in Ercall

This week has certainly be full of fun and sun in Ercall! We have made templates in DT, caught with accuracy in PE, and wrote a diary entry in English 😊

Our star of the week was Paula for her growth in confidence and impressive effort in Swimming! Well done Paula 🌟

Another well done it the Year 4’s for completing their multiplication check. You have all earned a well deserved rest!

Next week we will be learning about how a steam engine works in History, having our last swimming lesson and practising for sports day. On Wednesday we will visit the art gallery too 😀 


Homework this week is to create a project on the railways during the industrial revolution. It can range from a model to a poster, whatever captures the children attention. Please see me if you are having any difficulties with this as I am more than happy to help during break or dinner times😊

I hope everyone enjoys the sun,


Miss Roberts 

Last week in Ercall


What a lovely week we had in Ercall! Year 4’s started their multiplication tests, we started to read our new book for English ‘Zeraffa Giraffa’ and learnt how to roll a ball with accuracy in PE 😃

Our star of the week was Miti, who has worked hard to improve his multiplication score throughout the year and always encourages others to do their best too. Well done Miti ⭐️

Homeowner this week was to create a poster on pollution.

This week we will be starting our new History unit, the Railway Revolution, investing material in DT, and writing a diary entry in English 🙂

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine,

Miss Roberts

In Ercall this week

This week in Ercall we finished Pentecost banners, completed our independent write for English, and had a game of Tennis in PE 😀

Our value champion was Ollie, who is always happy to serve others and really recognises when others serve him in return. Well done Ollie ✨

Our swimming will continue to be on Tuesday when we return, and we also have the year 4 multiplication test the first two weeks upon returning. Please ensure children are practising daily to help ensure they pass this.

Homework is a multiplication and handwriting sheet, due the Friday we return. 

We hope  everyone has a lovely weekend and enjoys the sun ☀️

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Our week in Ercall

This week we have had lots of fun applying plaster of Paris to our characters in art, wrote a diary entry in English, and started swimming for PE! A big well done to all those who were nervous about swimming too – everyone did amazing and we all had lots of fun 😀

Our star of the week is Leyton! Leyton has wowed us all this week with his hard work in Geography, naming lots of capital cities around the world. Well done Leyton 🌟

Our homework this week is to complete a book review on any book read 😊 please do let me know if anyone is struggling with this.

Next week we will be describing Jungle animals in French, using scratch in computing and comparing countries in Geography 🌎

We  hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Our week

Another busy week in Ercall! We have started creating characters in Art, played dodgeball in PE and learnt about denominators and nominations maths!

A huge well done to Cohan for getting star of the week! He has been working so hard on his phonics and handwriting. Congratulations Cohan⭐️

Next week we will be looking at capital cities in Geography, finishing our characters in Art, and starting our swimming on Tuesday! 🏊

Homework this week is to compete an author study.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

This week in Ercall

This week has a been a busy one in Ercall! We have finished our perimeter unit in maths, started our new ‘Journey’ book in English, and held trials for our sports tournament! Whilst the rain stopped us from celebrating outside we still had lots of fun singing Mamma Mia 😊

A big well done to our star of the week, Ollie, who has been working very hard on his handwriting and been a great role model for the other children on the playground. Well done Ollie ⭐️

Well done the all the children who received a reading certificate or trophy this week too! Keep it up 📚

Next week we will be  moving onto our fraction unit in maths, using sound in scratch during computing, and begin creating a character model in art 🖼

Homework this week is to write a paragraph  for a diary entry for one day, covering what has happened and their feelings.

We hope everyone has a lovely bank holiday!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter