The first week of Summer term

What a week! We have had a very busy week upon returning to school, starting tennis lessons in PE, learning about the pentecost in RE and converting measurement in maths!

This week we had our value champion for last term (Justice) who was Steven! Steven has a strong sense of right and wrong and is always keen to make the right choice and encourages others to think about their actions too. Well done Steven!

Parents evening is on Wednesday and Thursday next week. Please do dojo if you would like an appointment.

We have a parent at school who is running the London Marathon on Sunday. (Good Luck
Charlotte!) She has been gifted a huge Easter to raffle for charity. As Easter has passed we have decided to melt the egg and use the chocolate to make cakes. Our lovely ladies in the kitchen will bake on Monday/Tuesday and we will hold a Cake Bake sale! The cake sale will be on Wednesday at break time with all cakes being 50p. If you would like to donate any further cakes to help raise funds for Hope House & TV Gobaith and Severn Hospice they would be most welcome.

UNIFORM EXCHANGE: On Thursday 27th April between 3pm and 5pm (during parent’s
evening) we will be holding another Uniform Exchange in the main school hall. This has
previously proved to be extremely popular. If you need any uniform for your child for the Summer term please feel free to come along and see what we have. There are lots of summer dresses, sweatshirts and cardigans plus lots of other items. Come and take a look. If you have any outgrown uniform that your child no longer needs and you would like to donate it please drop it off in the school foyer in the uniform recycling bin before Thursday.

Please can everyone check at home to see if you have a pair of black/Navy shorts, which have gone missing from class.

Next week we will begin to look into perimeter more in maths, finish our independent write in English and locate countries across the world in Geography.

Homework this week is a timetable grid relating to the times table your child is currently learning.

See you all Monday!

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter


After school clubs

We will be starting after school clubs next week.

From 20th April we will be offering:

Football with the Wright Way every Thursday for 13 weeks starting 20th April. £39.00 up to the end of the Summer term.

Singing Club with Tom Barnes every Wednesday for 12 weeks starting Wednesday 26th April. £36.00 up to the end of the Summer Term,

Drama Club with Harry Maltby from CM Drama every Thursday for 12 weeks starting Thursday 27th April. £36.00 up to the end of Summer Term.

If your child would like to take part in any of the clubs, please make your payment via Parentpay. Thank you!

The last week of Spring in Ercall!

What a week we have had! We’ve been to the church, made sandwiches for DT and finished our music unit too! 🎵

A big well done to everyone this term – the whole class has worked so hard all term and we are very impressed with their efforts. A newsletter will be out detailing what we will be focusing on next term, so please do look out for this on our class page.

Due to church service, we didn’t have time for our celebration worship and value champion, but once we return to school we will be sure to celebrate this. Please click on the link below or copy and paste into your browser, to see our school newsletter 😊

This week we have had fresh spellings (ready for a test when we return), a handwriting and times table homework (which may differ slightly to the picture dependent on what times table/handwriting your child is practising) and parent evening letters too. Please do dojo if you would like to book a parents evening slot, or return the slip on the letter, and I will try my hardest to accommodate everyone🙂

I hope everyone has a lovely break and good rest, ready for our Summer term ☀️

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Ercall’s week!

Our week had been especially busy – learning about nutrition in DT, putting together our own mindful routines and starting our area/length unit in maths!

Well done to Qahhar who won star of the week for his handwriting. He’s worked so hard! ⭐️

As we enter our last week in our Spring term we will begin practising for our Easter service on Friday, make our sandwich for DT, and finish our sound unit in Science 🤩

Homework this week was a reading comprehension or times table practice.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

Miss Roberts 



Our week in Ercall

We’ve had a very busy week this week in Ercall! We’ve learnt a new pose in Mindfulness, wrote a diary as Mary in RE, and completed the last of our multiplication and fraction unit in maths.

Our star of the week was Elsie, who is always encouraging others and showing a fantastic positive attitude every day! Well done Elsie ⭐️

Next week we will be starting our new unit of length in maths, taste testing in DT and learning some commands in French.

Homework this week is our times tables sheet and new spellings have also been given out too.

I hope everyone has a lovely week

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter


Snow day activities!

Snow day

Good morning, below are some activities to be completed today if you would like something to do (just click on the links). Any responses can be recorded in reading record/homework book.

Reading: Please record some reading over the weekend and take a book test if you need to on accelerated

English reading comprehension – complete the questions after reading the blurb of the book.

reading comprehension


Maths: Times table re-cap – how quick can you complete the questions? Set a timer and record how long it takes.

times tables


RE: Think about what having a real egg would be like s a gift – would you prefer this or a chocolate one?

RE Teatime Talk Easter Eggs

Photography Competition  – send in via dojo

Can you take a cool picture in the snow? Think about:

  • Footprints
  • shapes and patterns
  • snowmen
  • snow angels

I hope everyone is having a fun time in the snow and staying safe,

See you Monday!

Last week in Ercall

Last week in Ercall we began our new fitness unit in PE with Neil, had a brilliant day dressing up for world book day, and started to learn about questions we could use branching databases for computing 💻

Whilst our star of the week was absent, we were able to celebrate Elsie’s achievement of competing in the Oswestry Youth Music festival,  where she achieved the grade Commended! Well done Elsie 🎵

Homework was to complete a time table sheet which has been stuck in homework books and spellings have been uploaded to our homework section.

This week we are completing some assessments in English and maths, will be looking at the Holy Week story in RE and developing some movements in our mindfulness unit for PE 🧘

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter



Homework this week is to complete the timestable sheet stuck in homework books.

we are also having a small class competition, looking at who plays the most TTRockstars over the holiday! The player with the highest time played will win a small surprise and 10 dojos.