Homework 07.10.22

Due in next Friday. Please feel free to dojo or the children can come and see me in break of lunchtimes if you have any difficulties. Children need to draw a line from the French number to the image which matches it.

Harvest week in Ercall

Ercall curriculum map autumn 1 – Copy

Ercall Newsletter autumn – Copy

In our Harvest week we have been extra busy! We went to church, where everyone did an amazing job of explaining different elements of the Harvest, we finished some artwork in Art and started trying to combine movements in PE 😀 a huge thank you to all who donated what they could for our food hamper too!

Our star of the week is Eddie, who always tries his hardest and contributes to every lesson! Well done Eddie ⭐️

Next week we will we starting a narrative in English, learning some more ABBA songs in music and learning classroom commands in French.

For Science next week will be using forest school so please ensure that children have wellies and coats on Monday.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter


Our week in Ercall

This week in Ercall we have practised partitioning in maths, wrote a diary entry in English and made some stencils in art!

our star of the week is Demi, who never gives up and completed a brilliant diary entry – well done Demi ⭐️

we also had two letters go home this week – one about the flu nasal spray being offered and one about our harvest service for church. Please see the pictures attached and ensure they are returned if appropriate 😊

Our harvest service will be held on Thursday morning in the Holy Trinity Church in town. If you are able to walk with us please do let me know and parents are welcome to come and attend.

Next week we will be doing some editing in English, practising a new ABBA song in music and use cubes to partition numbers flexibly in maths 😀

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend

Miss Roberts

This week in Ercall

Another week in Ercall!

This week we have been working extra hard and finished our collages in Art, practised using a dictionary in English and made our own rainforest in Geography among many other activities 📚

Our star of the week this week is Oskar, who always has a calm and determined attitude towards all his work. Well done Oskar ⭐️

Next week we will be learning how to partition numbers to 100/1000, write a poem in English and practice multi-skills in English

Our PE days next week are Tuesday and Wednesday again. If you need another bikeability letter we have plenty of spares, please just dojo and I can pop one in bags 😊

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Homework 16.09.2022

Homework may differ (e.g, pencil control sheet, handwriting formation, different reading comprehension etc) however each child has theirs stuck in their book. Spares are available if needed 🙂Due in 23.09.2022

Our week in Ercall

Wow, what a busy week! This week we have had a go on TTRockstars in maths, visited the library and learnt about where the Rainforests are in Geography among lots of other activities.

Please note that our PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure PE kit is in school for both days if it is not already🙂

Homework books were given out today with a piece of homework inside. Please ensure this is completed to avoid doing it in Golden time. If anyone has any problems or needs some help please don’t hesitate to let me know and I can arrange a time to complete it with the children. It is a reading comprehension for most of the class, so reading the information, highlighting any key words in the question and then re-scanning the text to look for such key words can help😊

Our star of the week was Summer, who is a brilliant role model and completed a fantastic piece of work in RE. Well done Summer ⭐️

Next week we will finish making our collages in Art, look at classification keys in Science and have our first session of PE with the wright way on Tuesday 🏃‍♂️

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and well deserved rest after our first full week back! See you Tuesday

Miss Roberts and Miss Salter

Accelerated reader and TTRockstars

All children have taken an accelerated reader test this week which tests reading and comprehension. If your child finishes their reading book they are able to take a test on this at home. Follow the link Welcome to Renaissance Place (renlearn.co.uk) and enter the log on details which are stuck on the ‘notes’ page of your child’s reading diary (their full name is not the username). If you then click ‘Accelerated Reader’ you can then search for the name of the book and take a test. If a test is passed, when the book is brought back to school it can be changed for a new one!

TTRockstars is an online maths website which aims at increasing times table fluency Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com) The password and username for your child is again stuck in the notes page of their reading record. Practising on this website is extra helpful for multiplication tests in Year 4 (some children may know their times tables, however their recall speed needs to increase as the test has a time limit)

If you are having any trouble with accessing either site, please just let me know!

Choir and Recorder Session

Please see an email which went out on parentpay explaining some choir and recorder clubs taking place during lunch times.

If your child would like to take part in one of these clubs, please print off the return slip and send it back into class filled out. If you do not have a printer, please let me know via dojo and I can print one off in school!