Miss Scoltock’s Y6 group- online learning

Good morning Y6,

Please find below your online learning activities for today- please do send me messaged through Dojo, if you are at all stuck on something, or you need to ask any questions.

If you are struggling to access any of the learning site we use in school, please click on the link below, to access them through the class portal page.



Start of the morning activity 


For our maths session- we are going to continue with our statistics work.

In this small step, children are introduced to pie charts for the
first time. Discuss with children why a pie chart is a useful way to
represent data. They should realise that a pie chart quickly and
easily shows information as part of the whole. Discuss the fact that
bar charts may show the numbers of most/least popular items
quickly, whereas pie charts show something as more/less than a
half/quarter etc. of the total.
Children first look at simple pie charts to identify the greatest/
least amounts. They then move on to using the total number
represented by a pie chart to work out what each equal part is
worth. Finally, given the value of one part, children work out the
total and/or the values of other parts of the pie chart.

Click on the link below to access the lesson guidance:

Y6 Spring Block 6 SOL3 Read and interpret pie charts

Year 6 Spring Block 6 TS3 Read and interpret pie charts from White Rose Education on Vimeo.

Once you have read the lesson guide and watched the teaching video, have a go at completing the following worksheet.

Y6 Spring Block 6 WO3 Read and interpret pie charts 2022


Reading – Cracking Comprehension

Click on the links below to access the model teaching text for this.


Comprehension – Teaching text

Following the completion of this comprehension- I have set a supporting ‘Knowledge Test’ on Boost for you to complete.

If any of you have not got your Boost login, please send me a Dojo message and I can give it to you. 


SATs Bootcamp

Year 6, please use this revision day wisely. There are many practice tests and revision sessions on SATs bootcamp. 

If you need your login, please send me a Dojo message and I can give it to you. 

Stiperstones Summer 1 Curriculum Overview

Welcome to the start of the Summer Term. It is a very busy half term, especially for Year 6 with their up coming SATs.

Please click on the link below to access our newsletter for this term.

Stiperstones Newsletter Summer 1 24

Click on this link to see an overview of our topics for this term:

Summer 1 24


For Year 6 parents who were unable to attend the SATs meeting before the half term, please look through the PowerPoint below:


What have Stiperstones been up to?

In Stiperstones we have had a very busy half term, with many Stiperstones Superstars.

Cohan was our Star of the Week for his greatly improved effort and concentration in class.

Jason was our Star of the week for his excellent History Work.

Steven was our Star of the Week for the amazing courage and bravery he showed in his swimming lessons.



We started the term by completing our art unit ‘Identity’. Where we were inspired by the work of Matt , creating layered self portraits.


World Book Day 

World Book Day saw the Y5’s go to Morten Hall, for an author workshop by Frank Cottrell- Boyce.


In our DT unit this term, we have been studying food technology, where we needed to create a baked dish for a celebration. With the upcoming event of Easter, we decided to make Hot Cross Buns. Hot Cross Buns in the Christian religion were introduced to represent the death and resurrection of Jesus.

We started our unit by researching the history of the Hot Cross Bun. We then evaluated and tasted existing products, to help us design our own.

Once we had tasted, evaluated and designed our own Hot Cross Buns, it was time to make them!

Easter Service

The whole school conducted a beautiful Easter service at Holy Trinity Church, yesterday morning.

The service started with Mr Barnes and his choir, singing their song ‘From Now On’ from the musical ‘The Greatest Showman’- which they sang in the Oswestry Music Festival, earlier in the year; placing third.

Haughmond sang ‘Hosanna’ with Longmynd class.

Stiperstones sang ‘Were you there’ with Hawkstone class



What’s Stiperstones been up to?

Stiperstones have had a busy start to the Spring term, there have been many superstars, Jelly Bean maths for NSPCC Numbers Day, lots of children have started their swimming lessons, many children have represented the school at sporting tournaments  and we’ve had a trip to The Marches to watch Shrek!

⭐️ Stars of the Week ⭐️

Georgia was a Stiperstones Superstar for her amazing swimming.

Teya was a Stiperstones Superstar for her excellent writing in English. 

Sienna was a Stiperstones Superstar for her excellent maths. 

Alfie was a Stiperstones Superstar for making an excellent start in Stiperstones and settling into life at Holy Trinity well.


🟨🟩🔢Jelly Bean maths for NSPCC number day 🔢🟩🟨

We has great fun celebrating Number Day on the 2nd of March. There were some excellent math themed outfits and great, fun maths was completed. Even better, lots of Jelly Beans were consumed in the learning process! 😋

📚 Library Scavenger Hunt 📚

Stiperstones had great fun completing a book scavenger hunt, during one of their library sessions. The scavenger hunt made them think hard about different genres of text in the library and how to correctly use the alphabet to search for authors.

Science- the Human Heart

In science this term, we’ve been learning out the circulatory system and the function of the heart. In one of our lessons, we had a close look at the make up of a heart by examining a lamb heart. The children found it fascinating and enjoyed being able to identify the four chambers.

Swimming Success! 🏊

Well done to James for achieving his 15m badge in swimming. Well done to Mert for achieving his 10m badge. 


Biscuit love was in the air 🍪 ❤️

On the last day of term, there was biscuit love and icing chaos in the air! The children had great fun icing and decorating their valentine biscuits, helping Y3/4 raise money for their Liverpool trip.

🎄 It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎄

Stiperstones Superstar 🌟

Mert was our star of the week for working hard during our recent assessments.

⭐️ Values Champion ⭐️

George is our values champion this term for the amazing progress he’s made in recent assessments and always being a kind, caring and brilliant member of Stiperstones.

Festive Fun 🎄

We’ve had a busy couple of weeks of festive fun. Starting with our Christmas jumper day and beautiful Christmas dinner, cooked by our amazing kitchen team.

Travelling Nativity ⭐️

The Nativity is slowing travelling through the school, Stiperstones was honoured to have the nativity on the day Jesus was born. Mary, Joesph and baby Jesus joined in our DT lesson, we then all went to the library to read the story of the birth of Jesus.

Santa Dash 🎅🏻
We had a lot festive fun completing the Santa dash. Unfortunately, the weather meant we had to dash around the hall, but all children ran excellently. Thank you to all of those who sponsored the children.

Jack and the Beanstalk 🫘

On Wednesday we went to Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury, to watch this year’s pantomime- “Oh yes we did!”
The pantomime was fantastic! We all had a great time, laughing, singing and dancing.

Christmas Church service 🎄
We had a lovely church service on Thursday. All children acted and sang beautifully. 

Our busy week in Stiperstones

Our Stiperstones Superstar ⭐️

Jessie is our Star of the week for the amazing effort she puts into all areas of her work.

Getting into the Christmas Spirit 

In our RE lessons, we have been exploring faith through art. This week we’ve explored the purpose of stained glass windows. Then we made stained glass windows to celebrate the coming event of Jesus’ birth.

PE- Dance with Miss Jones 

DT- designing and making a motorised vehicle