Stiperstones Superstar

Stiperstones Superstar
Our Superstar this week is… Iliyan!
Iliyan is our superstar for his amazing commitment to home learning. He has attending all Zoom meetings and interventions on time and had been submitting work to me daily.
Well done Iliyan, keep up this fantastic work 🙂

Monday’s Learning

Good morning Stiperstones. I hope you have all had a good weekend. A big well done for all the brilliant work you completed and uploaded to Dojo last week. Keep up all our hard this week too. This week, we will continue to study the BFG in English and the Biblical story of David and Goliath in topic, so we sill have lot of exciting learning ahead.

English lesson one:

For today’s English lesson, we will be exploring the idea of dreams within the book ‘The BFG’ and thinking about our own dreams and aspirations. For today’s task, you will need to complete some worksheet’s about dreams within the story and also write a detailed piece of writing to discuss your own dreams. If you are unable to print off the worksheets, do not worry, instead the children could complete the tasks in full sentences.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning PowerPoint to give you some guidance on these tasks.

Monday 1st February[921]

Maths lesson one:

In our maths lesson today, we will be moving on from calculating perimeter and will instead be learning how to work out the area of a shape. The area is the measurement of the area that is inside a shape.

Firstly, please complete the fluent in five maths warm up for today. The answers will be posted on Dojo this afternoon for you to mark our answers.

After you have completed your fluent in five, please watch the video below to start to explain how you could practise counting squares within a shape.

Aut5.12.1 – Counting squares from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please complete today’ worksheet which is available or you below to access.

Counting squares worksheet. Monday, 1.02.21

Afternoon lesson:

During this afternoon’s topic lesson, we will continue to lean about the Biblical story of David and Goliath. We would like you to rewrite the story of David and Goliath in the form of a comic strip, similar to those you created for the story of Noah’s Ark. Please click the link below to access the PowerPoint for today which will help you to complete this task.

David and Goliath ppt


Friday Learning

English lesson five:

For today’s English lesson, we would like you to continue to create the newspaper reports you began to write yesterday, to ensure they are finished.

Try to also edit your work to check for any spellings that can be corrected and to up-level the vocabulary you have used to make it an interesting report for any readers. It would also be useful for you to read your newspaper report out loud, to check that your report flows and makes sense. Remember newspaper reports should be interesting, detailed and follow the order that the story happens (chronological order).

Once you have finished your written report, please go onto purple mash to type up your newspaper report too.

Thursday and Friday planning .[920]

Maths lesson five:

For today’s maths lesson, please firstly complete the fluent in five warm up activity.

Once you have completed fluent in five, please watch the video below to help you continue to work out the perimeter of a shape for today’s lesson.

Aut5.11.5 – Calculate perimeter from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

In maths today, we will continue to practise calculating the perimeter of different shapes. Please click the link below to access the worksheet on today’s learning which we would like you to try and complete.

perimeter worksheet 29.01.21

Afternoon lesson five: 

During this afternoon’s lesson we will be creating some artwork based on the story of David and Goliath. Please click the link below to access today’s art lesson PowerPoint which will show you lots of different types of art based within Israel, where the story is based, and explain the task of how you could complete your art work.

If you do not have the available resources at home to be able to complete this task, do not worry. Instead you could create your own picture based on a key point within the story of David and Goliath.

Israelite Art

Thursday’s Learning

English lesson four:

For our English lesson today and tomorrow, we would like you to create a newspaper report, based on the story of David and Goliath. Think about the newspaper reports you wrote just before the Christmas break on the birth of Jesus and use this to help you create your own report based on this Biblical story.

You will have both today and tomorrow to complete your newspaper report, so try to make sure they are the best you can do and have lots of interesting, detailed language to make the reader want to read your report. This time will also allow you to write up your newspaper report on purple mash once you have already handwritten your reports first.

Please click the link below too access the PowerPoint that will help you with creating your reports.

Thursday and Friday planning .[920]

Maths lesson four:

In maths today, we will be looking into how to measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear shape. A rectilinear shape is a 2D shape whose sides all meet at right angles.

Firstly, complete today’s fluent in five maths warm up below to get your brain ready and in the maths mindset.

Following this, please watch the video clip below to help you to learn how to calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear shape.

Aut5.11.4 – Perimeter of rectilinear shapes from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please try to complete the worksheet that is attached in the link below.

perimeter worksheet, 28. 01. 21

Afternoon lesson: 

For the first part of today’s afternoon lesson, we would like you to go onto purple mash and complete the coding task that has been set for you as a task to complete. Please complete this lesson as part of your afternoon computing lesson.

Once you have completed the coding task, finish off your Thursday with some P.E. by completing the Joe Wicks video that has been posted below.

Wednesday’s Learning

English lesson three:

For today’s English lesson, we will be continuing to study the book ‘The BFG’, to use descriptive language to create a character description of the Frothbungling Bully.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning and complete the activities set on the slides as you go through the PowerPoint.

Wednesday 27th January

Maths lesson three:

Following on from our maths lessons from the last few days, today’s maths lesson will be continuing to reinforce our knowledge on how to measure the perimeter of a rectangle.

Firstly please complete today’s fluent in five warm up activity.


After you have completed today’s fluent in five, please watch the video clip below to help you work out how to measure a rectangle.

Aut5.11.3 – Perimeter of rectangles from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please click on the link below and complete the worksheet on today’s learning.

perimeter worksheet 27.01.21

Afternoon lesson three:

In our lesson this afternoon, we will be looking into where the Biblical story of David and Goliath took place and identifying features of the landscape surrounding the battle ground.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning PowerPoint. There is also a link below that will bring you to the task set for today so please access both links.

Where did the battle between David and Goliath take place – map work[983]

Today’s Task:

Identifying features on an ordinance survey map.[982]

Tuesday’s Learning

English lesson two: 

During today’s English lesson, we will be exploring some of the vocabulary that is used within the story ‘The BFG’ and creating your own interesting sentences similar to those used within the book.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning and complete the task set on the PowerPoint.

Tuesday 26th January English – lesson 2

Maths lesson two: 

For today’s maths lesson, we will be learning how to use a grid to measure the perimeter of a shape. Firstly, please complete the fluent in five maths warm up for today.

Following this, please watch the video clip below to help you understand how to use a grid to measure a shape.

Aut5.11.2 – Perimeter on a grid from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

After you have watched the video clip, please click the link below to access today’s learning worksheet and complete as many questions on the worksheet as you can.

measuring perimeter using a grid

Afternoon science lesson: 

Following yesterday’s learning on the biblical story of David and Goliath, today we will be looking into the human skeleton, thinking about the different factors that can make a person strong like David.

Please click the link below to access the PowerPoint to explain today’s learning and complete the tasks set on the slides.

Science lesson David and Goliath, 26.01.21

The worksheet to complete is also available to access by clicking the link below.

Skeleton worksheet. 26.01.21

Skeleton worksheet 2 26.01.21



Monday’s Learning

Good Morning Stiperstones. I hope you have had a nice weekend and enjoyed all the learning we completed last week. The work you have all been completing has been amazing so please continue to keep up your high standards. We have another very exciting week of new learning to come this week.

This week, we have come to the end of learning about the story of Noah’s Ark so we will now move on to learning all about a new Biblical story, called The story of David and Goliath. Similar to Noah’s Ark, this story has lots of hidden meanings within it, that are important for everyone to understand.

We will also now be exploring a new book in our English lessons and have got a new learning area in maths also. For the next two weeks, we will be studying the Roahl Dahl book ‘The BFG’ and learning how to work out the perimeter and area of a shape in maths.

All of today’s learning is posted below. I hope you all have a brilliant week.

English lesson one:

During today’s English lesson, we will begin exploring areas of our new book, the BFG, written by Roahl Dahl. In today’s lesson, you will be exploring the character ‘the BFG’ and identifying his characteristics and personality.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning and complete the task of completing a character worksheet. If you do not have access to a printer please still create your description following the sections of the worksheet shown on the PowerPoint.

Monday 25th January English (1)

Maths lesson one:

For Today’s learning, we will begin our new maths learning area and will firstly be learning how to measure the perimeter of a shape. Firstly, please complete the fluent in five maths warm up activity below.

Once you have completed your fluent in five, please watch the video clip below that will help you in understanding how to measure the perimeter of a shape.

Aut5.11.1 – Measure perimeter from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video clip, please click the link below to access today’s learning worksheet for you to complete.

Some of the questions on today’s worksheet may require printing out to be able to measure the shapes. If you do not have access to a printer, do not worry, instead for those questions, it would be good for you to find certain shapes around your house and measure their perimeter. Please write down or draw a picture of the object you have measured and write down it’s measurements. If you are able to print the questions you could complete the activity of measuring the perimeter of objects in your home as well if you wish.

Perimeter worksheet for 25.01.21

Afternoon topic lesson:

This afternoon, we will begin to look at the Biblical story of David Goliath. This story has a number of hidden meanings that are important for all of us to understand, so for today’s learning we will identify and explore the meanings within the story.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning and work through the tasks set on the slides.

David and Goliath Monday 25th.