Stiperstones Superstar’s

We have reached the end of another successful week of home learning, you have made me very proud.

It was extremely difficult to choose just one person for our Superstar title this week, so we have two Superstar’s this week.

Our Stiperstones Superstar’s for this week are:

Krisi and Mia

These girls have gone above and beyond with their learning this week, producing incredible work and have submitted work to me everyday for the past 3 weeks.

Once again, a huge well done needs to be said to all of you who are submitting work to be daily, your efforts are not going unnoticed.

Have a safe weekend and I look forward to a new week of learning next week.

Friday’s Learning

English lesson five: 

During today’s lesson, you will be bringing all our learning together from the last to weeks to review the Oliver Jeffers book ‘What We’ll Build’. Please click the link to access the PowerPoint for today’s learning which contains a clip that should help you review the book and complete the task that has been set.

Friday 22nd January English lesson

Maths lesson five:

Firstly, please complete the fluent in five maths warm up below to get you ready for today’s learning.

Today, we will be using the understanding we already have from our previous maths lessons to now be able to work out multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. Once you have completed the fluent in five, please watch the video below to help you with today’s learning.

Aut5.10.4 – Multiples of 10 100 and 1000 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

After watching the video clip, please click the link below to access the worksheet on today’s lesson.

22.01.21 multiples of 10, 100 and 1000

Afternoon lesson: 

To end our short topic of the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark, for today’s topic lesson we would like you to try and build your own Dam, using the designs you created in a previous lesson and the knowledge you now have on how dams can be used to prevent flooding.

This may require you to use your imagination to make use of any spare resources and materials you may have at home for example, old cereal boxes, in creating your model. The model can be created however you wish to make it but must resemble a Dam and show your knwoledge of the features of a dam.

However, if you do not have any useful resources at home to be able to make a Dam, we would instead like you to create a detailed piece of artwork that represents an even within the story of Noah’s Ark.

Please click the link below to give you some further guidance on creating your model as well as giving you some more useful knowledge about flooding.

Friday, 22.01.21 afternoon lesson- Building your own Dam

Thursday’s Learning

English lesson four:

During today’s English lesson, we will be looking into which objects we most value within our lives and why as well as answering some comprehensive questions about the Oliver Jeffers book.

Please click the link below to access today’s PowerPoint and complete the tasks that are set on the slides.

Thursday 21st January English lesson

For certain parts of this task you will be required to read through some of the book again so I please watch the video that is attached on the slides for you. I have also uploaded the video below just in case.

Maths lesson four:

Firstly, please complete today’s fluent in five maths warm up activity below:

Once you have completed the fluent in five, please watch the video below to help you with today’s learning on dividing numbers by 1000.

Aut5.10.3 – Divide by 10 100 and 1000 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please click on the link below to access and complete the worksheet on dividing numbers by 1000.

21.01.21 dividing numbers by 1000

Afternoon lesson:

Firstly this afternoon, we have our P.E. lesson, so please watch the video below and join in with Joe Wicks to get yourself active.

Once you have completed Joe Wicks, give yourself a short cool down break and then please complete the rest of this afternoon’s lesson below.

For this afternoon’s lesson we will be looking into animal habitats. A habitat is a natural home or environment which an animal, plant or organism lives in. For today’s lesson, you will be learning about the benefits a flooded habitat can have for certain animals.

Please click the link below to access the PowerPoint on today’s learning and complete the tasks that are set.

floodplain lesson

Wednesday Learning

English lesson three:

During today’s English lesson, we will be identifying the key inventions that have taken place in the World and creating a timeline to order these events.

Please follow the link below to access the PowerPoint for today’s lesson and complete the task that has been set.

Wednesday 20th January English lesson

Maths lesson three:

For Today’s maths lesson, following on from yesterday’s lesson, we will be learning how to divide a number by 100.

Firstly complete the fluent in five maths warm up below to get yourself in a maths mindset ready for the rest of our learning today.

Once you have completed the fluent in five, please watch the video below to understand how to divide a number by 100.

Aut5.10.2 – Divide by 100 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

After watching the video, please complete the worksheet below on dividing numbers by 100.

20.01.21 dividing numbers by 100

Afternoon Lesson: 

For today’s afternoon lesson we are continuing to learn about the important messages from the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark. One of the most important messages within the story is the message that people should make sure they look after the planet which was a message sent by God within the story when he sent the flood to destroy all the bad things that humans had to the Earth.

To learn about this message, today we will be learning about the importance of climate change and it’s relation to flooding.

Please follow the link below to access the PowerPoint guiding you through today’s learning. Please complete the activities set as you go through the PowerPoint slides.

Climate Change PPT, 20.01.21


Tuesday’s Learning

English lesson Two:

During today’s English lesson, we will be exploring fantasy and real world innovation in relation to the Oliver Jeffers book.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning and complete the tasks set within the PowerPoint.

Tuesday 19th January English lesson

Maths lesson Two:

Firstly, please complete the fluent in five maths below warm up for today.

For Today’s learning, following learning how to multiply numbers by 10, 100 and 1000, we will now be learning about dividing numbers by 10.

Aut5.10.1 – Divide by 10 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

19.01.21 worksheet dividing by 10

Afternoon topic lesson:

For this afternoon’s topic lesson, we are continuing to learn more about floods therefore today, we would like you to learn about flooding that occurs around the World and the impact it has on the environment and people that live in these areas.

Please follow the link below to access today’s PowerPoint. The task for today is for you to create a poster or leaflet all about a place in the World that is prone to flooding. Please make your way through the PowerPoint below which will help to give you some guidance on completing this task.

Tuesday 19.01.21 lesson Flooding around the world



Monday’s Learning

Good morning Stiperstones. I hope you are all well and looking forward to another exciting week of learning. Well done to all of you, for all your hard work at home over the last week.

This week, we are continuing to learn more about flooding in relation to the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark but also exploring how this story shows us the importance of looking after  our planet, so we will also be looking into climate change and animal habitats.

We will also be continuing to study the Oliver Jeffers book we looked at last week in English and multiplication and division in Maths.

Have a great week everyone and keep up the hard work.

English lesson one:

For this weeks English lessons, we will be continuing to learn about the Oliver Jeffers book ‘What We’ll Build’.

For today’s lesson, we will be exploring the notion of friends and foes and looking at key figures that have demonstrated attempts to create peace between groups of people.

Please follow the link below to access today’s PowerPoint and complete the activities as you go through the slides.

Monday 18th January English lesson

Maths lesson two:

Firstly, please complete today’s fluent in five below to get you ready to begin the rest of today’s maths learning.

Following on from learning how to multiply a number by 10 and 100, for today’s lesson we will continue multiplying by these numbers but also progress onto learning to multiply a number by 1000.

Please watch the video clip below to help you understand how to multiply a number by 1000.

Aut5.9.5 – Multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched this video clip, please click the link below to find the worksheet on today’s learning which I would like you to complete.

18.01.21 worksheet multiplying by 1000

Afternoon topic lesson:

Following on from last weeks learning about the Biblical story Noah’s Ark and how the flooding in the story was caused, this week we are continuing to learn about floods and other important features of the story that effect the World we live in.

For today’s afternoon lesson, we are going to learn about how floods are prevented and you will then be designing your own way of trying to prevent a flood.

Please follow the link below to access the PowerPoint which will help you with today’s learning and complete the activity set on the PowerPoint.

Flooding prevention PowerPoint