Stiperstones Superstar

Firstly, I would like to give a BIG ‘shout out’ to all children in Stiperstones, who have engaged in fantastic learning this week. The children who are working at home, you are doing an amazing job, it is wonderful to see so much work being sent to me. The children, who are in school, are also working really hard and Mrs Platt has told me that they have been a delight to teach this week. You are all making me very proud so keep up the fantastic work.

This week our Stiperstoner Superstar is… Anastazja.

Anastazja is my Superstar for her fantastic online learning. She is the first one to view my Dojo posts in a morning, submits work to me each day to a very high standard and is participating in all Zoom calls. I couldn’t ask for anymore! Well done Anastazja, keep up your fantastic work.

Let’s see who our Superstar is next week…

Have a restful and safe weekend.

Friday’s learning

English lesson five:

Today’s English lesson is an art based activity based on the Oliver Jeffers book we have been studying this week. This is an activity that we would like you to take lots of time and care over, so you also have the opportunity to complete this piece of art for your afternoon lesson today to ensure you have enough time to complete the work to your best and highest standard.

Please follow the link to access the PowerPoint below that will explain your English/ Art activity for today.

English planning for Friday 15th January

Maths lesson five:

During today’s lesson, we will be learning about how to multiply a number by 100.

Firstly, complete the fluent in five maths warm-up below, to get your brain ready for today’s lesson.

Once you have completed the fluent in five, watch the video clip below to give you some help in understanding how to multiply a number by 100.

Aut5.9.4 – Multiply by 100 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

After you have watched the clip, complete the worksheet below on today’s learning.

Multiplying by 100 worksheet

Thursday’s learning

English lesson four:

During today’s English lesson, we will be continuing to learn about the Oliver Jeffers’s book by exploring different perspectives within the story.

Please follow the link below to access the PowerPoint of today’s learning and complete the tasks set.

English planning, Thursday 14th January

Maths lesson four:

For today’s maths lesson, firstly complete the fluent in five maths warm-up shown below.

multiplying by 10 worksheet

After you have completed the fluent in five, please watch the video clip below to give you some help with learning how to multiply a number by 10.

Aut5.9.3 – Multiply by 10 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have completed watching this clip, please complete the worksheet below on today’s learning, multiplying a number by 10.

multiplying by 10 worksheet.

Afternoon Geography lesson:

For this afternoon’s lesson, following on from our learning about the story of Noah’s Ark, we will be learning about the causes of flooding and the different types of flooding which exist.

Please watch the video below to give you an understanding on why flooding exists.

Once you have watched the video, please click the link below to access the PowerPoint to tell you all about flooding. Follow the PowerPoint through and complete the two tasks that are set within the PowerPoint for today’s learning.

what is flooding PowerPoint

Wednesday’s Learning

English lesson three:

English is a follow on from yesterdays lesson. So I have attached the PowerPoint from yesterday. Below the PowerPoint is a link for today’s lesson.

Tuesday 11th January English online ppt

Wednesday 12th January

Maths lesson three:

Firstly for Today’s maths lesson, please complete the fluent in five warm up activity below.

Following this, we will be learning about how to work out a cube number.

Please watch the video clip below to help you with your learning:

Aut5.9.2 – Cube numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

After you have watched the video clip, please click the link below to access the worksheet to complete today’s learning on cube numbers:

cube number worksheet


Afternoon science lesson: 

Our topic lesson today will be mostly Science and Geography based. For this lesson, we will explore the water cycle, which is an important part of our topic focus on the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark in terms of understanding where the flooding that was sent came from.

Please click the link below to follow today’s learning on the water cycle and complete the activities set on the slides.

water cycle explanation PowerPoint

Tuesday’s Learning

English Lesson Two:

During today’s lesson, you will be looking through a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) based on the Oliver Jeffers book we are currently studying, to describe key features within the book and identify key writing features used.

Watch the video clip below to remind you of the book.


Please follow the link below to access today’s learning. Please work through the PowerPoint and complete the activities set.

Tuesday 11th January English online ppt

Maths Lesson Two:

For today’s maths lesson we will be learning how to work out square numbers.

Firstly, complete the fluent in five mathematical warm up shown below:

Please watch the video below to help you to understand how to work out a square number:

Aut5.9.1 – Square numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched this video, please follow the link below to complete the worksheet on square numbers:

square numbers worksheet

Topic Lesson Two:

For this afternoon’s topic lesson, you will be re-writing the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark in your own words. You should re-write the story in the correct order in which each event happened and draw pictures to represent each even of the story.

Click the link below to follow the PowerPoint, which will help you to write each stage of the story in order and give you ideas on how to present your work. Use detailed language and make sur you use punctuation correctly.

Re write the Story of Noah’s Ark



Monday’s Learning

English Lesson One: 

Over the next two weeks, our English lessons will be based around the book, ‘What We’ll Build’ written by Oliver Jeffers.

Click on the link below to access today’s learning. Have a go at completing the activities on the PowerPoint, before viewing the audio book.

Oliver Jeffers has written another lovely book (1)



Maths Lesson One:

Firstly, try to complete today’s fluent in five below as a mathematical warm up:

For this lesson, we will be learning about prime numbers.

Please watch the video below to give you guidance on how to work out a prime number.

Aut5.8.5 – Prime numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please click the link to access today’s worksheet on prime numbers and complete the questions:

prime numbers worksheet one

Afternoon Topic Lesson One:

For the rest of this week, our topic will be based on the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark, therefore each afternoon lesson will be based on exploring this story and it’s hidden meanings.

Please watch the video clip below in order to listen to the story of Noah’s Ark.

During today’s topic lesson, we will be exploring the symbols demonstrated in the story of Noah’s Ark to begin to understand the hidden meaning behind aspects of the story.

Please click on the link below, to follow the PowerPoint and complete the activities set on each slide as you work through the learning.

Noah’s Ark topic PowerPoint, symbol meaning


PE with Callum Wright

Friday Shout Out

We have come to the end of our first week of remote learning, a huge well done needs to be given to all the children who have submitted some excellent home learning this week.

A BIG SHOUT OUT to these children at home working very hard:

Aaliyah                                          Krisi                                            Mia

Ella                                                Lauren                                        Zain

Anastazja                                      Lexi

Harry                                             Mason

Krasimir                                        Megan


Well done for submitting work to me this week on Dojo, Purple Mash and via the class email. Keep up your fantastic work!

A BIG SHOUT OUT is needed for the children who are in school working extremely hard too:

Alex                                              Kayra                                          Taiya

Argir                                             Larna

Blake                                            Rahman

Cody                                            Ruby


Stiperstones, you have made me very proud this week, keep up your hard work! Remember Dojo points will be awarded for the submission of good home learning and prizes will be given to the children who reach 50 dojo points.

From next week, I will announce a ‘Stiperstones Superstar’- this will be an individual who I feel has gone above and beyond with their learning. Each week there will be a new Stiperstones Superstar.

Please do not hesitate to message me if you have any questions about work set.

I look forward to another exciting week of new topics. Have a restful weekend and stay safe.

Miss Scoltock