Thursday’s Learning

English lesson four:

In English today, we will be continuing to learn about the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. For this lesson, we will be exploring events that have happened within the book and trying to look at them from the perspective of a different character within the story. You must then re-write the event from the perspective of this different character. You can then also write a character description to describe the orangutan within text if you complete the first task.

The PowerPoint for today is available below to guide you through today’s tasks. the worksheet for you to complete the extension task is also available for you to access below.

English Thursday 25.2.21[1374]

Thursday English Lesson 4 Worksheet[1372]

Maths lesson four: 

In our maths lesson today, following on from our multiplication lesson yesterday, we will now be learning how to multiply a four digit number using the same methods we have learnt this week.

Please click the link below to access the PowerPoint for today’s learning. Please firstly complete today’s fluent in five activity and then work through the examples on the slides, followed by the ‘must, should and could’ activities set.

Maths spring term Thursday 25.02.21

The video to help explain today’s learning too is also available for you to watch below to help explain the learning further.

Spr5.1.3 – Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Afternoon lesson four: 

For P.E. this afternoon, have fun completing Joe Wicks online workout video below.

As we are currently learning about the Biblical story of Joseph, we would like all the children at home and in school to create a performance of the song ‘Any Dream Will Do’, from the musical of Joseph and his technicolour dream coat- a story all about the story of Joseph.

So, following P.E. this afternoon, we would like you to spend this time rehearsing this song. Watch the video below to allow you to learn the lyrics to this song. Pay careful attention to what you think these lyrics mean and how they relate to the Bible story of Joseph. It would be lovely to see some of you singing this song or creating a dance routine for the performance.

Wednesday’s Learning

English lesson three:

In our English lesson today, we will be continuing to understand the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by looking into the the evidence within the text to imagine and describe the Island in the story.

Please click the link below that will guide you through today’s learning.

The worksheet for today’s task is also available for you to access below. If you are unable to print the worksheet, instead, draw a picture of the island and create write a description below your picture.

English Wednesday 24.2.21[1376]

Wednesday 24.02 English Lesson 3 Worksheet[1371]

Maths lesson three:

For today’s maths lesson, we will continuing to reinforce our knowledge on how to multiply a three digit number using a shorter written method.

Please watch the video below again to help reinforce your knowledge on multiplying three digit numbers.

Spr5.1.2 – Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

For today’s lesson, please click the link below to access today’s learning PowerPoint. Firstly, please complete the fluent in five maths warm up to prepare you for today’s learning.

Once you have completed your fluent in five, you can then progress through the PowerPoint that will further explain today’s learning and allow you to work through some examples before completing your ‘must, should and could’ for today.

Maths spring term Wednesday 24.02.21

Afternoon Art lesson:

Today for our afternoon lesson we will be doing some art. The Biblical story of Joseph shows us how Joseph is gifted a coat of many colours by his father. In our lesson today, we will be learning about how different colours are created and creating your own multicoloured dream coat.

Click the below to access today’s art lesson PowerPoint. The template to create your dream coat is available for you to access below. If you are unable to print this, please draw your own dream coat following this template as a guide.

Wednesday colour art lesson 24.02.21[1288]

Wednesday Joseph coat template 24.02.21

Tuesday’s Learning

English lesson two:

For today’s English lesson, we will continue to study the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. Today, we will be identifying words within the text that may not be familiar to us and attempting to understand what these words mean. For this lesson, you will need access to a dictionary. If you do not have a dictionary at home, you could use an online dictionary.

Click the link below to access the PowerPoint that will help guide you through today’s learning. The worksheet for you to complete for today’s lesson is also available for you to access below. If you are unable to print this worksheet, instead you could write the answers to each column onto a piece of paper or in a notebook, writing the meaning to each word we are looking into and then try to put these words into a sentence.

English Tuesday 23.2.21[1375]

English Lesson 2 Worksheet[1370]

Maths lesson two:

In maths today, following on from yesterday’s multiplication lesson, we will be learning how to multiply a 3 digit number.

Please watch the video below which will help you to understand how to work out how to multiply a 3 digit number.

Spr5.1.2 – Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Please click the link below to be able to access today’s PowerPoint which will guide you through our learning and allow you to work through some examples before completing the ‘must, should and could’ like you would in class, Try to complete as much of this as you can. The fluent in five for today is also available on the PowerPoint for you to complete first.

Maths spring term Tuesday 23.02.21

Afternoon History lesson:

For today’s History lesson, following our learning about the story of Joseph, we will be looking into where the Biblical story of Joseph was set, Egypt. From this, we will learn all about the different roles that people had within Egypt at the time the story would have been set and what role Joseph would have had.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning.

Tuesday 23.02.21 Egyptian lesson-Social Hierarchy

The worksheets for this lesson are also available below.

Tuesday 23.02.21 Egyptian social pyramid[1299]

Tuesday Egyptian hierarchy cut outs 23.02.21

Tuesday 23.02.21 Egyptian headdress template


Kensuke’s Kingdom

Over the next two weeks, our English work is going to be based around the book ‘Kensukes’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo.

We will be having daily reading Zooms, where as a class we will be reading this text.

Below is a link to access an online version of the text- click on the link below to read the book online.

Once you have read the book, you can take an Accelerated Reading Test

Monday’s Learning

Good morning Stiperstones,

I hope you have had a lovely, restful half- term week. We have lots of exciting learning for you to do this week. Following the half term, we will now be focusing our learning about a new Biblical story that our afternoon lessons will be based on. We will be learning about the Bible story of Joseph. This is another really important story for us all to understand due to the important meanings it holds.

For our English lessons for the next two weeks, we will also begin to study a new book called Kensuke’s Kingdom by the author, Michael Morpurgo, which is an gripping adventure story which I hope you all enjoy studying. We will also now move on to multiplication and division as our next block of learning in maths.

You all completed some brilliant work before the half term break and worked extremely hard, so I look forward to seeing all of your fantastic work over the next few weeks too.

Keep up all your hard work.

English lesson one:

For Today’s English lesson, you will be beginning to learn about the Michael Morpurgo book, ‘Kenzuki’s Kingdom’.

For our first lesson, you will be looking into the issues that happen within the story, followed by planning and creating balanced arguments to discuss these issues.

Please click the link below to access today’s PowerPoint which will guide you through today’s learning.

English Monday 22.2.21[1334]

Today’s worksheet is also available for you to access below.

Monday 22.02.21 English Lesson 1 Worksheet[1333]

Maths lesson one:

For our maths lesson today, we will be beginning to learn how to multiply a two-digit number.

The link to be able to access the PowerPoint for today’s maths lesson is available for you below. Firstly, there is fluent in five, maths warm up which I would like you to complete.

This PowerPoint will then allow you to work through some examples to show you how to multiply a two- digit number, before practising this yourself on the ‘must, should and could’ activities that are set on the slides.

Maths spring term Monday 22.02.21

The video below will also give you some extra guidance on today’s learning so please watch this to help you before completing the ‘must, should and could’ activities.

Spr5.1.1 – Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Afternoon R.E. lesson one:

Our new Biblical story of Joseph and his Technicolour Dream Coat, will firstly be introduced to you during this lesson to allow you to hear and get to know this Christian Bible story. During this lesson, we will then look into the important meanings and values held within this story, that are vital for everyone to understand and demonstrate in our every day lives.

This lesson will focus on the value of forgiveness but also explore the other values held within the story. To finish the lesson, we would like you to create a values poster to explain the different values within the story, how they are shown and why they are so important for us to have.

Monday 22.02.21 Joseph symbols PowerPoint