Our week in Lawley!

We have had a couple of fantastic weeks in Lawley Class! In English, we have been preparing to write our journey stories. We have been roleplaying, brainstorming and practising our sentences.
In Maths, Y1s have been learning about numbers from 13-20. They have been showing different representations and answering tricky questions. Y2s have been doing addition and subtraction questions with 2-digit numbers! This has been really tricky but they have worked so hard!

In Science, Y1s have been learning all about the seasons. This has included learning how day and night happens across the world. Y2s have been doing an experiment with plants to see what conditions they need to grow.
We have loved our current Art module: we’ve been learning all about mono-printing! So far we’ve done roller printing and carbon paper printing to great success!

During our PHSE lessons, we’ve been learning about the human life cycle and about big and little feelings. We had two visits last week from the dogs trust and from St John’s ambulance. These were really interesting.


Last week in Lawley


Last week, we tested our sense of smell. We used our noses to test which of the cups had the most perfume in and which had the least! It was really tricky.

In Maths, we have been using the language of “greater than”, “less than” and “equal to”. We then put numbers in order from greatest to smallest and vice versa!

Our favourite day of the week was definitely Welly Wednesday. We watched Mrs Dallow light a real fire and then we made popcorn and toasted our own marshmallows. We learnt how to be safe around the fire and had a go at building our own (although we didn’t light them!)

Lawley Class so far!

Lawley class have been very busy since the start of term! We have been working on all sorts across the curriculum as well as our Welly Wednesdays.

In Science, we have been learning about our body parts!

In PE, we have been practising our balances. In Art, we have been collect natural objects and making patterns with them. 

In Maths, Year 2 have been partitioning numbers up to one hundred and Year 1 have bene deepening their knowledge of place value to ten. In RE, we have been learning all about the parable of the lost son.

Forest School!

So this week, we are starting Forest School!

On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Dallow is leading our class on an adventure into the forest! Your child will need to bring with them:
Wellington boots (or old trainers if you don’t have them)
Old tracksuit bottoms
A coat
All brought together in a plastic bag, clearly named.

Your child will probably get quite muddy so the clothes that they bring will be so that they can get dirty and it won’t matter. They need to be in a plastic bag with their name on so that, afterwards, they can be taken off and the mud is contained.

Please make sure your child has these items in school, otherwise there is a chance that they will not be able to participate with the rest of their class. This will be in place of one of their PE sessions and will happen every week.

If you have any questions, please send me a message.
Thank you!

Our First Week

Good afternoon!

We have had a fantastic first week back. The children have settled back in beautifully and it’s like they never left.

Next week, we will be starting our proper timetable: including PE. The children will need to bring their PE kits in every Monday and then take them home on a Friday. This will ensure that every PE lesson, their kit is in school.

In their bags, the children have got two books. One is “Reading for Pleasure” book and one is a “Reading for Challenge” book. The Challenge book is closely matched with their reading ability. The other one is one that they have chosen from our book shelf. Please ensure both books are returned on Monday.

Thank you for an amazing week and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Welcome to Lawley!

Hello everyone and welcome to Lawley! Mrs Dallow and I cannot wait to see you all tomorrow! We have a fun-filled day planned ready for your return.

Please make sure you are in full school uniform, including jumper and appropriate school shoes. It is set to rain all week so please remember your coat!

There has been a change in our usual routine. School will now open at at 8:40AM for all children.

School will finish at 3:15PM each day and the children will be released from the usual doors, as is the same as last year.

We haven’t yet decided on PE days so I will confirm this later in the week. PE will commence next week, so please make sure all children have their full PE kits in from Monday – Friday each week.

See you tomorrow!

What have Nursery been up to?

Nursery have been so busy! They have loved spending lots of time outside. It has been chilly but we have wrapped up warm and done lots of exploring! We have investigated our Space den and clambered up our climbing frame. We have driven super fast around the roads! We love the giant sandpit. We’ve even been doing important work on our laptops! 

We have been exploring how to make “twinkly” music on the carpet. We have used our beautiful singing voices to sing “Twinkle twinkle little star”. Then we played our music while we sang. It sounded wonderful!We have loved all of the activities in Nursery. We have played with the trains, done some stretching and we have done some writing!

Home Learning – Friday 17th July

Good morning!

So today is the very last day of the school year. What a year it has been! You have all worked so hard and have shown such courage in this strange time.

There is no home learning today. Please have as much fun as you can and enjoy yourselves with your families.

Take the day off and go for a walk or to the park or to get an ice cream!

We will miss you over Summer but we are so looking forward to having you back in September!

Have a well earned break, stay safe and we will see you then!

From Mrs Taylor, Mrs Allcock and Mrs Meddins