Meet your new teacher!

As we are unable to have a normal transition into our new classes, the teachers have produced a short video to introduce themselves to their new pupils. We are all looking forward to meeting you properly in September.  Have a wonderful Summer and stay safe!

Nursery with Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby

Clee with Mrs Meddins

Earl’s Hill with Mrs Allcock

Wrekin with Mr Hughes

Lawley with Mrs Thompstone

Caradoc with Miss Wright

Longmynd with Miss Hutson

Hawkstone with Mrs Holmes

Stiperstones with Miss Scoltock

Haughmond with Mrs Platt

Home Learning – Thursday 16th July


Can you believe it? You’ve all done so so well and we are so proud of you! Keep it up!


Today, imagine you are stranded on an island!









You need to write a message an put it in a bottle to let someone know that you need help!


You need to write:

Help me! From [then your name]

You can either have a go at writing it your self, copy it,  or write over an adult’s writing!


Have a go at writing a short note to anyone who might find your bottle! Try and write in a full sentence. You need to tell them that you are stuck on the island and you can’t get off! Don’t forget to write your name!


Write a letter to someone that finds your note. How do you start a letter? How do you finish a letter? Try and include as many details as possible. Some ideas of what to include might be: 

  • How did you get on the island?
  • When did you get to the island?
  • What were you planning on doing (had you not been stranded on the island).

Make sure you include: capital letters, finger spaces, full stops! 


For this you need some small shiny items to be treasure! (They can be anything small enough to be grabbed in handfuls: sweets, beads, coins)


Very simple activity! Pretend you are a greedy pirate. Grab a handful of “gems”. How many have you got? Can you carefully count them out and find the right numeral?


You need a dice to complete this activity (you can find a digital dice here

Roll your dice and grab that many “gems” like a greedy pirate. Repeat this action and add them together to find your total. 

Cheeky challenge: write the number sentence for your handfuls 


Just be a super greedy pirate and grab two handfuls of “gems”. 

Can you count out each handful separately and add them together? Now write the number sentence! 

Extra Activity: 

Create your very own treasure chest with an egg carton!


Home Learning – Wednesday 15th July 2020

Good morning!

I hope we ARRRRR feeling well this morning! 

What’s a pirate’s favourite shop? 


 What is a pirate’s favourite lesson in school?



Today we are going to pretend we are real pirates! First find out what your pirate name is: 









Have a go at the purple mash/mini mash pirate mash cam.

Reception: enter mini mash – click on the drop down for pins – choose mash cams – pirate mash cam – click the face to put your face in! Don’t forget to save it! 

Year 1: enter purple mash – click on your to do’s – find pirate mash cam – click the face to put your face in! Don’t forget to save it and hand it in. 


Draw a picture of you as a pirate! What makes you a pirate? Do you have an eye patch? Can you have a go at copying your pirate name?


Can you draw a picture of your self as a pirate? What makes you a super awesome pirate? Can you write your name and a sentence to explain what makes you a super cool pirate? It could be a special skill, or an awesome hat or even that you are famous for doing something incredible like finding lost treasure! 


As above but can you include: what you look like, what you are good at and what your pirate ship looks like!



Have a go at this game. Choose either up to 5 or up to 10 for a challenge. 


Have a go at this game. Choose up to 10 or up to 20 for a challenge! 


Have a go at the medium game and choose up to 100 (tens). 

Challenge: Have a go at this odd and even game

Extra Activities: 

Have a go at designing your pirate flag to match your pirate character!




Home Learning – Tuesday 14th July

Good Morning!

Reminder for EARL’S HILL: Zoom call today at 10am! 

Topic: Earl’s Hill     

Meeting ID: 755 384 0837
Password: EH123



Have a go at some pirate phonics:

Medium and Spicy: 

Work out which words are real words and which words are silly nonsense words. This is brilliant preparation for the Phonics Screening test. 

Choose two sounds that your child might not be very confident with.



For this you will need number cards up to five and some small circles to be coconuts. 

Choose a number and ask your child to put the correct number of coconuts on that number. 


As above but increase the numbers up to ten or twenty. Ensure your child is checking their answers. In school, we encourage the children to place items neatly so that they are easy to count and they do not get muddled. 


For this you will need numbers up to ten (or twenty for a challenge) written on pieces of paper that look like coconuts. 

Turn all the numbers so that they are faced down. Ask your child to turn two numbers and add them together. 

Extra activity: 

Create a Pirate Hat! Here are the instructions: 


Make sure you decorate it!! 


Home Learning – Monday 13th July

Good Morning!

It’s the final week of school. What a year it has been! Let’s use our final push to get us to the end of the year!

This week we are going to be talking all about pirates and pants! We will be listening to the story of PIRATES LOVE UNDERPANTS!


As you listen to the story, can you draw a treasure map? Listen to where the pirates go and what they see on their adventure. Can you draw a map that follows the story? 

Once you’ve finished your map you can decorate it and make it look battered and old! You can use cold tea bags to stain the paper to look old or you can rip the edges to make it look battered! 


We are going to walk the plank today! 


Lay out a piece of cloth or a blanket to be the plank. Or if you have a plank – use that! 

Write numbers 1 – 5 or 10 (depending on your child’s ability) on pieces of paper. 
Ask your child to order the numbers up the plank. 

Cheeky Challenge: can they order them backwards as well?

Medium and Spicy: 

Lay the room out as above. 

Ask your child to stand at the “safe” end of the plank. The adult should call out a number. The child should respond with one more or one less than that number (depending on ability/confidence). If the child gets the answer correct, they stay where they are. If they need support/get the answer incorrect, they take a step forward! 

If the numbers are too easy, increase the difficulty! 

Extra Activity

Start the week off right with some pirate yoga!

Home Learning – Friday 10th July


Well done for getting to the end of another week!



What was your favourite part of the story? Can you draw a picture of the scene? Can you have a go at writing the names?


We are going to do a book review of the story “Sharing a Shell”.

Can you answer these questions? Try and use a super sentence for each of them!

  • What happens in the beginning of the story?
  • What was your favourite part of the story?
  • Who is your favourite character?

Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop!


We are going to do a book review of the story “Sharing a Shell”.

Can you answer these questions? Try and use a super sentence for each of them!


Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop!


To finish our home learning on a Fun Friday, we are going to sing some lovely Maths counting songs!

Extra activity

Can you have a go at moving like some sea creatures? 

Have a go at moving like a:

  • Jellyfish
  • Crab
  • Bristle Worm
  • Sea Anemone 
  • Shark
  • Clown Fish
  • Squid

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe! 


Home Learning – Thursday 9th July



Crab, Blob and Brush would normally all be found in a habitat called a rock pool. 





Have a look at these pictures. What can you see? Can you say the name of any of these creatures? Choose one or two and find out what they are! Can you find out all about them? Watch some videos all about them! 


Who else lives in a rock pool? Can you write a list of all the animals you might find in a rock pool. Remember, words in a list go one underneath the other. 


Write the list from above and choose three creatures to research. Write a sentence or two about each of your chosen creatures. 


Make skittles using empty plastic bottles or cardboard tubes. You could draw faces on them or decorate them to look like sea creatures! Use a soft ball or balled up socks to knock them down.


How many have you knocked down? How many are left? 


Can you double the number that you have knocked down? 


Can you write the number sentence for the doubled number? For example, if you knock over three, the number sentence would be 3 + 3 = 6. 

Cheeky challenge: Can you add up all of your totals?

Extra Activity

Look on a map or go on google maps. Can you find the location of your nearest beach. How would you get there? How long would the journey take? Can you plan your journey?


Home Learning – Wednesday 8th July

Hello! I hope you are all well! 


Create your own house! You will need scissors, an A4 piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. An adult can do this part. 

First, hold your piece of paper horizontally and fold the edges into the middle. 







Second, use a pencil and a ruler to draw a roof onto the front. 







Third, cut out the roof. 







Once you have your house, you can decorate the front to look like your house! 


Think about who lives inside your house. Can you draw a picture of all of the people who live in your house? 


Can you draw all of the people who live in your house and write their names? You could also draw some of the rooms inside your house and write the names of the rooms as well! 


In the centre part of the house, you can draw and label your family. Turn the house and on the inside of the doors, please write some sentences to tell me all about your house! What does it look like? What does the kitchen, living room and your room look like? 

Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! 


Today there is only one activity that can be differentiated depending on your child’s needs.

In the story, there is a jumble of sea creatures! They don’t usually go in the same group all together. 

Adult: collect some random items from around your house (for example building blocks, small animals, toy food, some socks, jewellery, toy cars, trains, crayons etc.)

Can your child sort these items in group? How do they sort it? Can they explain why? Do they put all the animals together? Do they sort according to colour?

We do this activity in a variety of way in school because it is a good basic introduction to mathematical ‘sets’. 

To simplify this activity, just choose two or three items and ask your child to tell you which one doesn’t belong in the group or why they are all in a group together. 

To make this activity harder, ask your child to find lots of different ways to sort the same items. 

This is called problem solving and it’s a really important mathematical skill.  

Extra Activity

Go outside with a pot of water and a paint brush. Can you paint a picture on the floor/wall fence with the water? Can you write any words? 

Home Learning – Tuesday 7th July

Good morning everyone!



Have a go at tracing over these shells and words: Tracing. If you can’t print the sheet, just have a go at drawing your own shell and writing over the words!


Crab, Blob and Brush’s shell is too small. They all need special things from their home. Can you think what those things might be?

Can you design a new shell home for the three friends? What would it look like? Would it be special?

Draw a fancy new shell and add labels. Can you write a sentence? Start it off with “The new shell will have… “

Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces, and full stop!


As above but add an explanation. Why is this design much better than their last shell? Start off with “This shell is the best because…” Try and write more than two reasons as to why it is so special.


Today we are talking about ordinal numbers. This is being able to use the language of  first, second, third etc. and to be able to put these in the correct order.


Have a look at the pictures of Blob, Brush and Crab.

Who lived in the shell first?

Who lived in the shell second?

Who lived in the shell third?







Make your own bristle worms. Use your worms to have races. For each race, award the winners 1st, 2nd 3rd. All you need is paper and straws. You can play with all the family to make it more challenging!


Make bristle worms and have races just like above. This time, put a timer on for 10 seconds, who can travel the furthest? Add a finishing line – who can complete a race in the fastest time? Make sure you award the 1st, 2nd and 3rd!

Extra Activity

Listen to this super fun and catchy song:


Can you make up your own dance moves? Or even your own words? 

Baby Brush do do do … 

Home Learning – Monday 6th July

Hello and welcome back to a brand new week!

I hope you are all feeling bright and beautiful!

This week we are learning all about the story “Sharing a Shell” by Julie Donaldson. Have a listen to the story here:


In the story, Crab is very protective of his shell. This is because he loves it dearly. Sometimes when we love something a lot, we don’t always want to share it because it’s so special! Sometimes its even better to share our something special with our friends and family and they can enjoy it too! That’s what Crab does in the story! Is there something that is very special to you? 


Can you draw a picture of your special something and even try and write it’s name? If you can’t write it’s name, maybe you can copy the word if an adult writes it for you!


Can you draw a picture of your special something and write a sentence to tell me all about it? You could write, “My special something is …” Or you could write “It is called…”


Can you draw a picture of your special something and write all about your special something? Start with writing what it is. Then you could write why it is special and who you would like to share it with! 



Have a go at this lovely Crab dot to dot!


Have a go at this Dot-to-Dot!


Have a go at drawing your own Sharing a Shell picture and make it into a dot to dot by drawing dots with numbers! See how high you can go!

Extra Activities

Be Super Sea Spies and listen to the clues in here: Who am I

Then see if you can guess the animals!