Our Week in Clee


We have had another amazing week in Clee which has had a few more ‘firsts’ and new experience for the children.

They have joined in Maths activities by looking at numbers 1-5 and putting our photos on five frames on our birthday month. They have joined in Literacy activities to support pencil grip and finger strength. We enjoyed a lovely Autumn ‘noticing’ walk amongst lots of other fantastic learning and exploring.

Last week the whole class were awarded Star of the Week:

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Owen and Mrs Dorofte.

Our First Full Week in Clee


What an absolutely fantastic first full week we had. The children have amazed us with how well they have continued to settle into Reception.

During the week we have talked about and discussed our class rules; the children shared their brilliant suggestions and decided which rules we should have in Clee.

They had their very first PE lesson with Neil and Paris who thought they were amazing. We have played lots of circle games to get to know each other.

Here are photos of some of the activities we have enjoyed:

Our First Week in Clee


Welcome to Reception!

The children settled in to Clee beautifully last week, everyone was happy, enthusiastic and eager to join in with all the activities.

We spent our first three days getting to know each other, learning our class rules and expectations, and becoming familiar with the daily routine and Reception environments.

Here are some photographs from our first week:

Wet Wednesday in Early Years


The children had a wonderful wet Wednesday. Everyone had great fun wetting each other using water balloons, water balls, squirters and water pistols. They played hook a duck, explored ice and bubbly water. What a great day:

Our Week in Clee


We have had another busy, fun-filled week in Clee this week.


In Literacy the children have found different ways to sequence, retell and rewrite ‘ the Sea Saw’ story. Thye have drawn maps and the different modes of transport Sophia used in the story:


In Maths we have talked about time and measure by looking at, and discussing the sunflower seeds which we planted a few weeks ago:



On Friday we finished the week with our whole school Holi Colour Run. The children really enjoyed the colour run activities and particularly the run itself:



Here are photos of some of the other activities which we’ve joined in during the week:




Next week to celebrate the last week of term we will be having an activities week; Messy Monday, Tuneful Tuesday, Wet Wednesday, Theatrical Thursday and Fun Friday!

Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week in Clee which has been full of new experiences.


On Tuesday the children had their ‘move-up’ morning and met their new class teacher in their new classroom. We chatted about the move up morning, some children were excited and happy and some were feeling shy, scared and even a little terrified.

During the afternoon after the move up morning we talked about what they had enjoyed and how they were feeling now. They each described their favourite part and everyone said they were feeling happy:


On Wednesday morning we went to watch the year 5 and 6 children perform Jungle Book. It was amazing!


On Wednesday we had our Early Years graduation. We had a practice in the morning meaning that the children were prepared for the actual event. I’m sure you will all agree the children looked very smart and were fantastic. We are very proud of them. Thank you to everyone who came to support the children.



Here are some photos of the other experiences the children have had this week:




Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week in Clee.

The highlight of the week was our Teddy Bears Picnic which lots of our families were able to join us at. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did:



In Maths this week we have been comparing numbers. We started by ordering numbers and then comparing where they are on the number track. The children then consolidated this learning by independently accessing activities:



In Literacy we read a few more pages of our focus text ‘ The Sea Saw’. The children talked about the author, the illustrator and the publisher of the book. We then wrote in a speech bubble about what the bear could be saying. The children joined in lots of other activities including practising scissor control to make their own picnic scene, making thank you cards for the ladies in the kitchen for making out picnic lunch and creating a train journey like the one in the story:



Here are some other highlights from the week:

Next week we are looking forward to our Nursery and Reception Graduation.

Our Week in Clee


We have had another brilliant and busy week in Clee.


The highlight of the week has been our Reception sports day. The children were all fantastic. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the children.



In Maths this we we have been consolidating the composition of 5 and higher numbers. The children have explored this by joining in activities including using five and ten frames, writing number sentences and throwing bean bags into hoops:



In Literacy we have read some more of ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percival. We lloked at an image from the book anf the children wrote about what they could see. They also joined in other activities including matching words and pictures, drawing a journey, cutting and sticking and labelling parts of a beach scene:



Here are some other activities the children have enjoyed this week:

We are looking forward to our Teddy Bear’s Picnic next week.