Our Week in Reception



We’ve had a short but busy week this week, here are some of the activities we have joined in with:


In Maths we have been learning about doubles. We have been ‘Doubles Detectives’ hunting for doubles inside the classroom. We have had many opportunities to make doubles on ladybirds using counters and pompoms, doubling the stripes on tigers and matching doubles.



In Literacy we talked about what we did during the half term holiday, we looked at photographs of us which our grown ups have sent to Mrs Meddins. We drew a picture and wrote about what we did during half term.

We started our book ‘The Sea Saw’ by Tom Percivalwhich will be our Literacy focus for this half term by looking at the front cover and talking about what we could see. We predicted what we think is going to happen in the story.

The sea saw by Percival, Tom (9781471172434) | BrownsBfS




We had another visit to Holy Trinity Church. The children were amazing; as we walked to church they chatted about what they could see. When we got to the church the children listened carefully to what Mark told them about the church and what happens inside it




We learned about ‘World Oceans Day’. We found a turtle with plastic around its neck; we talked about the rubbish in our environment and the consequences it can have on animals



In Phonics on Friday we played a game; we danced to the music and then when the music stopped we had to listen to the instructions as to write a letter, red tricky word or our name



In PE we started practising for our sports day. There was so many instructions for the children to follow but they were fantastic



We had some sand delivered this week, during LEX time some children helped collect it and put it in the sand tray. They worked as a team using shovels and spades to fill wheelbarrows and push them to the sand tray and empty the sand in

During LEX time a group of children sat in a circle with a ball, they said they were playing pass the parcel with the ball. They did this a few times and then swapped the ball for a bottle and said they were playing flip the bottle. They took turns and played as a team.



Next week in Maths we will be learning about grouping and sharing and in Literacy we will be showing and writing about our most precious thing.

Platinum Jubilee week in Reception


5ft X 3ft (150 cm X 91cm) Queen Platinum Jubilee Flag, Queen Platinum Jubilee Party Decorations GB Union Jack 70 Years Jubilee Decorations Street Party 2022 : Amazon.co.uk: Toys & Games



This week much of our learning has involved the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We have learned from stories, PowerPoints and items related to the Jubilee and the Queen.



During the week some of the Reception children had their first visit to Holy Trinity Church where Mark talked to them about the different parts of the church and what happens in church. We listened to Mark and Jill play music and some children played the organ:


To celebrate the Jubilee we have made bunting by drawing, colouring by numbers, collage and finger painting. We used play dough to make cakes and lollipops for the Queen:




We received a letter from the Queen asking us to decorate some knickers for her to wear during her Platinum Jubilee celebrations. She sent us a box full of white knickers which we decorated:





We iced biscuits and decorated them with red, white and blue sprinkles and we made crowns to wear at our street party:



We joined in with lots of Jubilee activities in the classroom and outdoors. These included a picnic at snack time, hook a duck, toss the beanbag, whole school lunch street party, performing Baby Shark to the school, watching the other classes perform their songs from the past 7 decades and maypole dancing:



We all had a fabulous time celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Our Week in Reception.


We have had another busy week in Reception.


In Literacy we have finished reading our ‘Gigantosaurus’ story. Following on from the story this week we have been talking about friendship. We discussed who is our friend and why. We made friendship bracelets and wrote our own recipe for a friendship potion.




In Maths we have been learning about most and least. We had some jewels in jars which we counted and then ordered the jars least to most. We also learned more about 2D and 3D shapes:




Each Thursday afternoon we have LEX time with the children from Nursery. This gives all the children an opportunity to explore the different areas in Early Years and supports transition for the children who will move into Reception in September. The children enjoy this time getting to know each other and spending time with all the adults in Early Years.




Next week we will be retelling the Gigantosaurus story and learning about the Queen and the Platinum Jubilee. 

Our learning in Reception


We have been very busy in Reception over the past few weeks. Here is some of the learning we have been joining in with: 


In Literacy our learning has been focussing around the book ‘Gigantosaurus’ by Johnny Duddle. We had great excitement when a box arrived in class. Inside the box were some dinosaur eggs, a letter and the ‘Gigantosaurus’ book. Following on from this we have drawn and described our own ‘Gigantosaurus’, written words on footprints to describe a Gigantosaurus’s footsteps and made lists of food we could feed the Gigantosaurus. We have also joined in lots of Literacy activities independently:



Our Maths learning is ‘First, then, now’. We have been learning about adding on and subtracting. We have been joining in many fun activities during our maths learning:




We have had lots of fun exploring our new climbing equipment and we have talked about how to use it safely:




During our LEX time (Learning and Exploring) we have inititiated our own learning and followed our interests:




We took part in our first PE session for a while:




We have had  an assembly with Mark and Alice from the church. They talked to us about ‘Friendship’.

Easter in Reception


We have had another busy week in Reception.



We talked about Easter and what we know about it.

We then listened to the Easter story and talked about the reason we celebrate Easter.



In Literacy we made Easter cards and wrote inside them. 



In Maths we have been continuing to learn about number bonds. We used our fingers and then numicon to make number bonds to 5 and then 10. We played ‘musical number bonds’ when we each had a piece of numicon and danced to the music. When the music stopped we had to find a partner who had a piece of numicon to make 5 and then 10:



In LEX time we had lots of Easter activities to choose from:



We made Easter nests. We talked about what happened to the chocolate when it was in the microwave and we decided how much chocolate we needed to make our nests a good consistency:




We went on an Easter bonnet parade through school to show off the Easter bonnets we had made at home and in school:




Thank you to the children and families who joined in our under the sea home learning project. The children presented theirs to the class and this week they have been on display for everyone to see:




On Friday we thought the Easter Bunny may bring us some Easter eggs. But Mrs Meddins had a phone call to say that the Easter Bunny has chickenpox; we were all very disappointed. But everything turned out to be okay because the Easter Bunny had arranged for his cousin Peter Rabbit to bring our Easter eggs. The Easter Bunny hid them outside and later we all did an Easter egg hunt.



We would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter!

  See you on Monday 25th April.

Happy Easter Images | Free Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD

Pirates Day in Early Years


Today we celebrated our Pirates topic by all enjoying a pirate day.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the day by making us cakes, sending in pirate stickers, pirate napkins and especially for making the children look so fabulous.

We hope the children enjoyed the day!

Have a lovely weekend.

Our Week in Reception.


This week Reception have seen our Fred the Frog being stolen from our classroom by the pirates! We discussed what we could do to get Fred back. We decided to think about how we could make a pirate trap to stop the pirates coming into our classroom again. We also made posters describing Fred. We put these up around school in the hope that Fred may be found.



In Maths we have been continuing our ‘Building 9 and 10’ learning. We have looked at numberbonds to 10, talked about more, fewer and the same using groups of items, and played skittles to count how many have been knocked over and find the number on the number track:

We also sang ‘Ten in the Bed’ looking at how many bears were in the bed and how many out of the bed. The children continued this into their Learning and Exploring time (LEX) by acting out the song.



We have enjoyed being outside in the sunshine and making the most of the garden area:



These are some of the activities we enjoy when we first arrive in school:



We have been watching how the sunflower seed we planted last week has grown. We have had some frog spawn brought in and we have talked about what we think might happen and how long it may take for the spawn to become frogs. We have been fascinated by the tadpoles swimming around in the tank:



We made cards and presents for our mums for Mothers Day. The children made their own decision on what to draw on their card; they did it completely independently. They each took selfies which were made into coasters:



It’s been another fun, busy week.


Our Week in Reception.


Activity packs - British Science Week

We have had a super Science week learning all about growth. We talked about how we grow from babies to being elderly, we looked at bulbs and many different types of seeds which we cut from inside fruit and vegetables. We have observed how some cress seeds have changed over the week and we have planted our sunflower seed.




In Maths we have started our ‘Building 9 and 10’ learning. We have looked at number bonds to 9 and 10, used numicon to make up 9 and 10 and used cheerios on pipe cleaners for more than and less than.



In Literacy we started to read the story ‘The Pirates are Coming’. We made misfit pirate faces and wrote captions and sentences to describe them. We replied to a message in a bottle which we received from the pirates.



During LEX time some of the children have made a ‘speedboat ship’ using the loose parts. They pretended to ride on the speedboat ship and have a picnic. Following on from this we read ‘Whatever Next’ and made sandwiches to eat at our own picnic.

We continued the children’s interests in paper aeroplanes by each making one and testing to see whose went the furthest, the highest and the fastest:

They have also enjoyed taking turns in water play




Our Woman in History learning continued this week when we learned facts about Julia Donaldson. We listened to ‘Paper Dolls’ written by her and then made our own paper dolls.



We learned about St Patrick’s Day. We watched a video about St Patrick, made rainbow hats and danced an Irish jig:



What a busy, fun week of learning we’ve had! 

Have a lo9vely weekend everyone!

Our week in Reception


We have had another great week in Reception.


In Maths we have completed our White Rose Maths ‘Growing 6, 7, 8’ by consolidating some of our previous learning. We have relooked at pairs; we talked about spiders and how many pairs of legs they have. The children made themselves into a spider with 8 legs and then found out how many pairs of legs they have. We have also relooked at combining two groups of items and talked about part-whole and number sentences. We continued both of theses aspects in our Maths LEX time:



In Literacy we started our topic based on the story ‘The Pirates are Coming’ by John Condon. Mrs Owen found a treasure map of our outside area which also had a clue on it. The children read the clue and then followed more clues until it took us to our treasure chest. Following this the children were convinced that they heard and saw pirates by the door, on the roof and outside by the window. 

Thank you to everyone who brought in their treasure box. The children showed and described what was in their treasure box to their friends and then drew and wrote about their treasures:




Following on from the children’s interest in making music and musical instruments we have been exploring instruments both indoors and outside. We talked about their sound and playing them loud and quiet:




Continuing our learning about ‘Women’s History Month’ we learned more about the Queen. The children were fascinated by her crown and decided to make their own crowns.


Next week in Literacy we will be continuing our learning based on ‘The Pirates are Coming’. In Maths we will be starting our ‘Building 9 and 10’ phase of White Rose Maths and it is Science week in school an the theme is ‘growth’.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Dallow and Mrs Owen.



Our Week in Reception


Welcome back to school and the second half of our Spring Term.

We hope you all had a lovely half term break.


This week in Maths we have been talking about who is four and who is five; we found out if more children are four or more children are five. We made birthday cakes with candles and matched the correct numeral. We have also been talking about time and sequencing. We read the story Jasper’s Beanstalk and did some activities linked to it:


After reading ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ we wrote about what happened on each day in the story and planted some bean seeds. We are planning on recording how they grow:



We have celebrated St David’s Day. We watched the story of how St David came to be the Patron Saint of Wales, we looked at the Welsh flag, leeks and daffodils and had Welsh cakes for snack. Following this we joined in lots of St David’s Day activities:


We celebrated Baba Marta Day. Many children brought in Martenitsa (bracelets). They put the Martenitsa onto their friends wrist for good luck. We looked at the Bulgarian flag and made our own Martenitsas:


We also celebrated Shrove Tuesday by learning about Lent, how to make pancakes and which toppings we like. We had pancake races and the children decided to use the walking stilts as medals, the cones as trophies and the crates as a podium for the winners. We finished the day off with the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’ and eating pancakes:



A big thank you to everyone for the fantastic costumes on World Book Day. We had a really great day. We showed our costumes, we read lots of stories and we watched a special World Book Day programme when Axel Scheffler showed us how to draw some of the characters in the books he illustrates and read us poems and stories:  

What a fantastic first week back.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow.