Our week in Reception


I can’t believe we are already at the end of another busy week!


In Literacy we read to the end of ‘let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’ book. We were surprised about what happened at the end! We drew and described either a tiger or a crocodile. We talked about being friends and made friendship bracelets and cards:                     



In Phonics we have learned more new sounds and how to write them. We have been practising reading using our Blending books. When we were learning the ‘r’ sound someone noticed that the ‘R’ in Riley is different to the ‘r’ we were learning. This brought about a big discussion about capital letters at the beginning on our names. We looked at some of the capital letters and talked about if they are the same or different than the lowercase letters:




In Maths we have been learning about combining two groups of numbers. We practiced this in lots of different ways. We talked about the + and = symbols and number sentences:



After our eye screening a few weeks ago some children have been having appointments at the opticians. We talked about this and watched ‘Topsy and Tim Go to the Opticians’. We then decided to make an opticians in our outdoor role play shed. We made some things to go in there and Specsavers donated some things for us to use too:




On Thursday lots of us went to the Valentine’s Disco. We had great fun dancing, playing with the balloons, eating snacks and playing musical statues:




We have had our first home learning challenge back. Olivia made a journey of when she went on a holiday with her family and they met pirates!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone else’s journey creations. Remember they need to be in school by Wednesday so that we have chance to look at them altogether.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Our Week in Reception


What a busy week we’ve had again in Reception.


In Literacy we have been continuing our learning about the book ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’. This week we recalled the story and read a few more pages from the book. We looked at the picture on the page we read to and then wrote about it:


We have also been taking part in National Storytelling week. We have looked at some traditional tales; The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man. We have joined in many activities to learn about the stories such as making finger puppets and stick puppets and retelling one of the stories to the class. We looked at two different versions of The Gingerbread Man and talked about what was the same and what was different in them.


In Maths we have been learning about making pairs and which numbers are pairs and which have an odd one. We paired socks, animals to go into an ark and found who had the matching pair to an item we were holding. We joined in a maths activity about alien pairs:



Chinese New Year 2022 – Year of the Tiger

In the afternoons we have been learning about Chinese New Year. We have looked at some Chinese items, listened to the story of the Chinese New Year called ‘The Great Race’, joined in with some dragon dancing and tasted Chinese food:

Sapphire brought in some flags of Vietnam she made at home. We talked about the flag and compared it with the flag of China. We enjoyed making flags of Vietnam:


What a fantastic busy week!

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow.

Our week in Reception.


We have had another busy week in Reception this week.

This week we have learned how to say ‘hello’ in Romanian. Each time we have taken the register the children have said ‘Buna’.


In Literacy we have continued to read the story ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’. After reading some more of the book we worked together in groups to plan and make an obstacle course . We talked about the words ‘balance, clamber, swing, jump, hop’ to help us think about what we needed to make the obstacle course:

Later on in the week we looked at photographs of us making the obstacle course. We talked about the photographs and wrote about what we did.



Our Maths learning this week is ‘Growing 6, 7, 8’. We have learned about these numbers and how we can represent them and demonstrated this in many different ways:



We have been Learning and Exploring indoors and outdoors:




This has been our last week that we’ve been learning about the RSPB Great School’s Birdwatch. We went out to see how many different types of birds we could spot and recorded this on our birdwatch sheets. We also looked at peacock feathers and painted pictures of them:




On Thursday one of the children brought in two daffodils and gave them to Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow. We looked at the daffodils and then at some daffodils which were growing in a pot. We talked about how they grow and the different parts of the plants such as bud, petals, leaves, soil and bulb.




On Friday one of the children found a very small caterpillar. We carefully looked at the caterpillar. We looked on the internet at different types of caterpillar and at the life cycle of a caterpillar. The children decided that the caterpillar wouldn’t like to eat pizza like they had for their dinner, but would like grass and leaves instead. They went to collect some and we popped the caterpillar and leaves into a butterfly net.

We will look again at the caterpillar when we get to school on Monday.


Have a lovely weekend everyone. If you are out and about or in your garden maybe you could see how many birds you can spot.

Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow.

Our week in Reception.


We have had another busy, fun week in Reception!


In Literacy we have been continuing our learning based on the story ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’ by Jonny Lambert. We have been looking at and talking about different ways to travel. The children talked about their favourite way to travel and where they would travel to. We continued our learning into LEX time:


We also acted out part of the story and talked about the rhyming words. We continued the rhyming string ourselves using real and nonsense words such as ‘lumpy’, ‘bumpy’ ‘glumpy’ ‘gumpy’. Mrs Meddins pretended to be a reporter reporting for Clee News. She asked the ‘explorers’ how they felt when they walked over the crocodile, through the thorns and the vines through the pretend ‘Crocodile Creek’. 



In Maths we have been learning about mass and capacity. We filled containers and described if they were full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty or half full. We used balancing scales to learn about heavy, heaviest, heavier, light, lightest and lighter:

We each had a small box to see how many items we could fit into it. When our box was full we used the five frames to help us find out how many items were in the box.



We have visited the new library in school. We looked at photographs of Oswestry library and then compared it with our school library. We knew we needed to be quiet in the library and Mrs Meddins read us a book called ‘Gigantosaurus’.

Our week in Clee.


What a lovely, busy week we’ve had in Clee!


In Phonics we have been practising our sounds and letter formation in shaving foam and on white boards.


Continuing our learning about birds for the RSPB Great School’s Birdwatch we made bird feeders which we hung outside for the birds to eat. We looked at some nests, a bird’s egg and some wood which a woodpecker had pecked a hole into which Mrs Dallow had brought in for us.


In Maths we have been learning about number bonds to 5. We played a game where we each threw 5 beanbags towards a hoop and we had to say how many were inside the hoop, how many outside the hoop and how many altogether. We then recorded our score onto the whiteboard. We also had Maths fun during our LEX time (Learning and Exploring).



In Literacy we started our story ‘Let’s all creep through Crocodile Creek’. We have drawn and labelled maps for journeys we have been on and we have talked about places we would like to go to and drawn and written about these. We also had a visit from a real tortoise.  


Lots of us found ice while we were outside. We did a science experiment where we put water into 3 containers which we put in three different places and left them over night. We left one in our classroom, one outside and one in the freezer. We predicted what we thought would happen to each container and why. The next day we checked to see what had happened to the water and if our predictions were correct. We had a great time exploring the ice and talking about it being, liquid, solid and melting.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Clee’s First Week of 2022

7 Reasons To Love New Year's Eve - New Year's Day

Happy New Year and welcome back to school. We hope you all had a really lovely Christmas.


The children have settled back into school amazingly. They have all received a huge amount of Dojo points for their good behaviour and good listening during the week.


We started the term by talking about what we had been doing during the Christmas break. Some of the children talked about Father Christmas/Santa/Saint Nicholas bringing them presents and told each other about the presents they had received. They then drew pictures and wrote about what they had enjoyed most.


In Maths we have been learning about zero and subtraction. We sang and acted out the song ‘Five currant buns in a baker’s shop’. We learned what is one less than and said the number sentence.


We have signed up to the RSPB Big School’s Birdwatch. This lasts from 5th to 28th January. Each Wednesday we will be joining in activities and learning more about the birdwatch. This week we went bird spotting in the field with our bird checklists:



As we have been learning and exploring during the week many of the children have shown an interest in treasure maps. They drew their own treasure maps and labelled them. They then took these outside and pretended to look for treasure. Following on from this we had a map and a clue delivered to our classroom (the children think it was a pirate who delivered it!) We then all listened carefully to the clue which described where the next clue was hidden. The clues led us to a treasure chest! We then joined other treasure activities including colouring by numbers and writing tricky words on coins.

We continued our pirate interest into our Maths learning. In our class on Friday there was the bad Pirate Dallow who wanted to take all Captain Meddins’s gold coins. Captain Meddins asked the children to look after some gold coins for her however Pirate Dallow realised this and tried to take the gold coins from the children! Pirate Dallow gave the children a number problem to work out before they put the correct number of coins into Pirate Dallow’s bag. She even made some children walk the plank! Luckily we managed to stop Pirate Dallow and take back the gold coins. We even made her walk the plank!


Next week we will be starting our learning which will be linked to the book ‘Let’s all creep down Crocodile Creek’ by Jonny Lambert. We have started to change some of the areas in our classroom to link them to the topic:


Have a lovely weekend everyone,                                                                                                                                Mrs Meddins and Mrs Dallow.

Christmas in Clee


We have had another busy week in Clee. On Monday we sang our songs from Shine Star Shine twice for our families; we were amazing!


During the week we have also:

Been busy Learning and Exploring Christmas activities


Joined in our Christmas Jumper Day:


Had a really delicious Christmas dinner:


We ran, walked and skipped 5 laps around the playground for our Santa Dash:


Our busy Christmas week finished off with a visit from Father Christmas


Even Candy cane has had a busy week:


Our Week in Clee.


What a busy time we’ve had in Clee this week. We have been doing lots of Learning and Exploring as well as preparing and practising for our ‘Shine Star Shine’ Nativity play.



On Tuesday we learned about St Andrew’s Day. We learned about how he became the Patron Saint of Scotland, we did some St  Andrew’s Day activities including dot to dots, colouring and making the Scottish flag. We learned how to do some Scottish dancing and we had different shaped Scottish shortbread for our snack:



During our LEX time (Learning and Exploring) we have explored our new Christmas Post Office area, our Christmas home corner and Christmas activities:


On Wednesday 1st December a letter arrived from Santa with two parcels; one was an Elf on the Shelf and the other a Santa Cam for our classroom:

Our Elf has already been up to some tricks:

We voted to name our Elf on the Shelf. He is now called Candy Cane:


Here is a photo of us dressed in our costumes after we practised ‘Shine Star Shine’


Our Week in Clee


What a lovely, fun week we’ve had in Clee.


In Maths we have been learning about numbers 4 and 5. We learned how to subitise amounts and composition of 4 and 5. We went on hunts to find representations of the numbers:



We have been learning and exploring in both our indoor and outdoor areas:




On Thursday we learned about Thanksgiving as one of the children in the class has a mummy who comes from America. We learned why Thanksgiving is celebrated, talked about what we are thankful for and tasted pumpkin pie which was made for us by Sora’s mummy. Thank you so much.



This week our book has been ‘Kipper’s Birthday’. This has linked to our maths learning as Kipper is 5 years old on his birthday, and also linked to Travel Ted’s birthday on Friday. We had a lovely day celebrating Travel Ted’s birthday. We gave Travel Ted some presents which were the same presents as Kipper received in the story, we played games, danced, ate party food and took very special slices of cake home which were made by Eva’s Mummy. Thank you so much. And thank you to everyone who contributed to Travel Ted’s birthday party.


Next week we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day on Tuesday and a special Elf will be bringing a gift from the North Pole; we hope the Elf doesn’t get up to too many tricks!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Dallow and Mrs Darofte.