Nursery Rhyme Week in Clee.



This week we have celebrated World Nursery Rhyme Week.

On Monday our Nursery Rhyme of the day was Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. We drew around each other and labelled the parts of the body. We learned the actions and listened to the rhyme in English, Rumanian, Bulgarian and Bengali and Mrs Maltby taught it us in French:


On Tuesday our Nursery Rhyme of the day was Incy Wincy Spider. We talked about the number 8 and found different ways to make number 8 using our fingers and our legs. We practised writing the number 8 in shaving foam and put 8 peg legs onto the spider’s bodies:




On Wednesday our Rhyme of the Day was Sleeping Bunnies. On Thursday our Rhyme of the Day was Down in th Jungle. We learned the song, described jungle animals for our friends to guess the animal and went on a jungle animal hunt into the forest. Where we wrote and drew about the animal we found:



On Friday we dressed in our own clothes for Children in Need. We talked about what we were wearning and what Children in Need and Pudsey Bear mean. We did lots of Children in Need activities:


What a fun, busy week we’ve had!


Next week we will be celebrating Travel Ted’s birthday. Many of the children have been talking about birthday parties and making birthday cakes with play dough; to follow their interests many of our activities next week will focus around preparing for Travel Ted’s  birthday party which will be on Friday.

Our Week in Clee.


This week in Clee the children talked about the fireworks they saw at the weekend. They described what they heard and saw and wrote these words using their Phonic knowledge. The words they used included pop, bang, ping. We made sparklers, firework pictures, patterns in glitter and made our names using glitter. The children have been very creative in a variety of ways:



We learned about Remembrance; why we wear a poppy and what each part of the poppy means. Some of the children had the opportunity to wear a soldier’s uniform. We made poppy handprint pictures and wrote our names next to them. In Maths we used poppies to match the correct numeral to the quantity. We made poppy biscuits and iced them using red frosting and a chocolate button to finish. We listened to ‘The Last Post’ and joined the rest of the school in a two minute silence:



We have enjoyed drawing and writing in lots of different ways:



In Phonics this week we have learned the sounds h, r, j and v. The children are becoming really good at recognising the sounds and knowing words which begin with the sound we have been learning. When we learned ‘r’ we pretended to walk and talk like robots and even found a robot wake and shake dance which we have done a few times during the week; this has encouraged the children to listen and follow instructions. We have also been learning the red tricky words ‘I, the, no, to’. Each day one of these words has been our class secret password; the children have remembered the words really well and have said the word to get back into the classroom after we have been outside.


Following on from the children’s interests in tools the lock board was brought inside for the children to explore using real tools. We also have a new workshop area outside which the children have enjoyed using:



Today we had an assembly to celebrate the children who were given the Christian Distinctiveness award for last term’s value which was Generosity. Our class Christian Distinctiveness award was given to Olivia; well done to Olivia!



We have had a lovely, busy week learning and exploring. Next week is World Nursery Rhyme week. We will learn a new rhyme each day; our learning will link to the rhyme and also the children’s interests.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Dallow and Mrs Darofte.




Our Week in Clee


We have had a busy and exciting week this week. The children returned from the half term break in high spirits and ready to learn. I have been impressed by each and every one of them for their fantastic behaviour and good listening.


In Maths we have been on a number hunt and finding different ways to represent numbers:




We have been learning about Diwali. We listened to the story of Rama and Sita, learned about how to prepare for Diwali, made Diva lamps, lanterns, Rangoli patterns and Diwali cards:



In the afternoons we have been doing ‘Dough Disco’. We each have a piece of play dough. We do actions using the play dough such as ‘roll it, squeeze it, poke it’ to music. It is great fun and helps to strengthen our fingers ready to hold a pencil for writing:


On Friday afternoon we learned the story of Guy Fawkes. We also learned some firework safety by watching, and discussing, a Fireman Sam Firework safety video. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the fireworks if you are going to see some. We would love it if you could send some photos via Dojo of any fireworks you see.


Our Week in Clee.


We have had a wonderful, busy week in Clee this week!


In Literacy we have been continuing our learning based on the ‘Lost and Found’ story by Oliver Jeffers. We pretended to be the penguin or the boy and acted out part of the story. We talked about who are our friends in school and why and we went on a boat trip together just like the boy and the penguin:



In Phonics we have been learning many new sounds and we have been practising our letter formation in lots of different ways:


In Maths we have been comparing size, mass and capacity:



We decorated our food donations box for the Harvest festival by printing using vegetables, we joined in with some Harvest activities and sang ‘Big Red Combine Harvester’:

Thank you so much for all your donations.


We ended the week by having a dentist to visit. She told us all about when and how to brush our teeth and showed us some pretend teeth and a special magnifying light. We also got a chance to clean some very big pretend teeth.




Our Week in Clee.


We have had another fantastic week in Clee!

The children have been continuing to explore and learn in the indoor and outdoor environments. We have been reading our class book ‘Errol’s Garden’ and the children have been sharing their experiences of growing and gardening. In Expressive Art and Design the children explored and painted sunflowers. We did our first PE sessions; the children showed their independence in dressing and undressing.

We have joined the rest of the school for Worship, singing practice and Star of the Week Celebration Assembly on Friday.

Our Star of the Week is Vali. Vali has settled so well in our class. When he first started in Clee he was very unsure but after only a few days he now has a big smile when he comes into class. He hangs up his bag, chooses his lunch and is ready to start the day with a big hello when his name is called on the register. Well done Vali we are very proud of you!


Our busy week in Clee:


Have a lovely weekend everyone. See you on Monday for another fun, busy week.

Our first morning in Clee!


What an amazing first morning we have had in Clee.

The children really impressed us at how confident they were when they came into the classroom. Understandably, some children were a little unsure initially but within a very short time everyone was happy and exploring their new classroom. Here are some photographs showing how the children spent their morning:

Mrs Dallow and I hope the children enjoyed the morning as much as we did.


If anyone would like to join us for lunch on Monday and you haven’t advised the office please let me know on Monday morning and I can add you to our list. 


Have a lovely weekend everyone, see you all on Monday.

Sports Day 2021


What a fantastic sports day we had today. It was wonderful to see so many parents, carers and family members supporting your amazing children. The children all had a great time taking part and were thrilled to have you watching. Here are some of the many photos which were taken today:

The Tiger Who Came to Tea week in Clee.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea : Kerr, Judith, Kerr, Judith: Books

Our book of the week this week has been ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’.


However, before we started reading this book we had a surprise! We had a delivery from the zoo in response to the letters we had written to them about which pet we would like in our class.

The zoo had sent us a fish! We were all very excited.

The children decided that we should name the fish. We had some suggestions from the children and then everyone had one vote as to which name they wanted our fish to be called. Our fish is called ‘Bubbles’.

We talked about why we have a filter in the tank and why it needs a plug on it. We also discussed the fish tank being half full and estimated how many jugs of water we would need to fill the tank.

Bubbles had his first meal in Clee Class and is now very settled into his new home



After reading ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ story in Literacy we drew a self portrait and wrote words to describe how we would feel if a tiger came to our house; we used words like scared, sad, happy, hungry. We wrote a shopping list of food we would buy when we went shopping if a tiger ate all our food and we drew a picture of a tiger and labelled it. Everyone is getting really confident at using their Phonic knowledge to have a go at writing independently.


In Maths we learned about repeating patterns


And symmetry


On Friday we had a tiger who came to tea party.

In the morning we made repeating pattern fruit kebabs


and as we have been learning about halves we made sandwiches and cut them into half, remembering that both halves have to be the same



We enjoyed a great party with a stripy tiger cake made by Mrs Dallow and a very special guest! Who even did a tiger dance for us!

What a fantastic, busy week we’ve had!

Pets Week in Clee!


Dear Zoo: Lift the Flaps: Rod Campbell: 9780230747722: Books

Last week our book of the week was Dear Zoo.



We talked about the pets we have at home and everyone made a mark on a chart to show which pets they have

When we counted up the totals found that the most popular pet in our class is a dog.


In PE we did yoga when we joined in going on a trip to the farm and copying the yogs animal poses


We released the four butterflies which we had watch change from caterpillars to butterflies during the last few weeks





We received a letter from the zoo saying that they wanted to give us a pet for our classroom. So we all wrote a letter back saying what pet we would like and why. Some children asked for a lizard, a panda, a fish or a puppy. We will have to wait to see what the zoo sends us.