Our Week in Clee


We have had a fantastic first week back. The children have all settled back into the routine really well.


In Maths this week we have been usng our subitising skills. We have been making arrangements of four and five using magnets, paper plates, couters and printing using blocks:



In Litercy this week we have met the characters of our focus book ‘Let’s All Creep Through Crocodile Creek’. The children talked, drew and wrote about a journey they had been on:



This month we are joining the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch. We have talked about this and the chidren made bird feeders to tice more birds in to the outdoor area so that they can spot them:



Here is more of our learning since we returned to school after Christmas:


Our Week in Clee


We have had another fun and busy week in Clee and our Christmas celebrations are well and truly under way.


In Maths we have been continuing our Mastering Number learning about counting. The children have joined in many different activities using their counting skills:



In Literacy we have finished our focus text ‘TheThree Little Pigs’ by planning and writing about a good way to trap the Big, Bad wolf. The children have enjoyed Christmas inspired fine motor skills and mark making activities:

In Understanding the World we have learned more about why we celebrate Christmas by telling the Nativity story and Mark from Holy Trinity Church talking to us about it:



On Tuesday we all had a great time at the Christmas Disco.



On Wednesday we celebrated Christmas Jumper day and had a lovely Christmas dinner. We all showed our Christmas jumpers to the class:



On Thursday we had a visit from two dental nurses. They were very impressed that the children know so much about the importance of keeping their teeth clean and how they do the Brilliant Brushers every day:



On Friday we enjoyed the Santa Dash. We checked the weather forecast to see when was the driest time during the day to do our dash:



Here are other activities we have enjoyed during the week:

Our Busy Week in Clee


We have had another exciting, busy week in Clee.


In Maths we have been learning about composition of the number 4. The children have practised this independently through lots of activities:



In Literacy we have finished reading the Three Little Pigs story. Following on from the children thinking the Big, Bad wolf is in the forest area we went on a search for him. The children were convinced they spotted him in the trees, on the road and even on the roof! The next day we received a letter from the Big, Bad Wolf saying that he had been hiding from us! The children made ‘Watch Out!’ posters to warn everybody about the wolf. They also made houses using straw, sticks and bricks, made stick puppets and made a Big Bad wolf using collage materials:



In Understanding the World we are learning about why we celebrate Christmas. We shared photographs, and talked about people (and animals) who are special to us. The children then drew pictures of those people as babies:



Here are some pictures of our other learning during the week:



On Friday the children arrived to find footprints leading into our classroom. They thought the footprints might be from an elf, the Grinch, the three little pigs or the wolf’s thumb prints (they were too small to be the wolf’s footprints):



We have started our countdown to Christmas by putting one Christmas bauble for each day until Christmas Day on five frames. Each day we will move a bauble from the five frames onto our calendar:



On Friday afternoon an elf brought us a Chritsmas tree. We decorated the tree with the decorations we made at home and LOTS of other decorations:

What a fantastic week!

Our Week in Clee


We have enjoyed another busy week in Clee.


This week has been Anti-Bulling Week. On Monday we talked about why we were wearing odd socks and how it’s okay to be different but still friends:




On Monday we learned about the Diwali – The Festival of Light. The children made Diya lamps, lanterns and Rangoli patterns:



In Maths this week we have been looking at amounts that are more than, fewer than and equal to. We learned about this in many different ways:



In Literacy we continued our focus book ‘The Three Little Pigs’ by Mara Alperin. We talked about the blurb, what an author does and hearing and writing the initial sound and other sounds the children could hear in the names of pictures fro the book:



On Thursday Neil and Paris led a short PE session for the children. They were very impressed at how well the children listened to and followed their instructions:



This week has been Nursery Rhyme week. The children have enjoyed joining in with different versions of Jack and Jill, Hickory Dickory Dock, Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Row, Row, Row your boat and The Wheels on the Bus:



Here are some other activities from this week:



On Friday it was non-uniform day for Children in Need. We talked about what Children in Need is and how it helps children and their families. The children showed their own clothes to the rest of the class:



Our Week in Clee.


We have had a great start to the second half of the Autumn Term.


In Maths we have been learning about the number five using ‘Five Little Peas’ rhyme. We helped Muddles the Monkey to correctly count to number 5. We joined in lots of firework counting activities:




On Thursday we found a crime scene in school consisting of a pile of straw, a pile of sticks and a house built of bricks. Who had done this? Mrs Allan brought us a letter from PC Goat telling us that he was going to investigate the crime scene and we need to help him. This was the introduction to our focus text ‘The Three Little Pigs’ by Mara Alperin.


On Friday we had a visit from the Big Bad wolf who tried to blow down the house of bricks but because he couldn’t he kicked it down! We talked about this and the children think that we need to go to the forest to look for the Big Bad wolf!




Next week it will be King Charles’s 75t Birthday. We looked at photos of the King and read ‘The King’s Pants’ story by Nicholas Allan. Following this Mrs Allan brought a letter and a big parcel. The letter told us that King Charles needs us to decorate pants for him to wear at his Birthday party and in the box were boring white pants and lots of materials to decorate them.



Here is some of our other learning throughout the week:



On Friday we learned about Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies. The children joined in poppy activities and we had a minute silence with Nursery at 11.00am:


Next week is Anti-bullying week. To start this week off we will be having an odd sock day on Monday. We will also be joinig in with World Nursery Rhyme week, celebrating Diwali and learning about Children in Need.

Our Week in Clee


We have had a great final week of the half term.


In Maths we have been learning about comparison by comparing groups of objects and saying which has more or fewer:





In Literacy we completed our ‘Peace at Last’ learning by sequencing and retelling the story:


Our Drawing Club book has been ‘We’re Going on a Pumpkin Hunt’. We made up actions to the key vocabulary: massive, swooping, searching, alarmed and flapping. The children have drawn a character, a setting and an adventure and made uo their own codes:



This week we have had great fun exploring pumpkins. The children have talked about size, mass, colour, texture. They enjoyed cutting up the pumpkins and finding out what was inside:



Here is some of the other learning and exploring which has taken place this week:



On Friday we talked about firework safety and staying safe on Bonfire Night.


We hope you have a lovely half term break. We would love it if you would share photos of the exciting things you do or any firework pictures.

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Owen, Mrs Roberts and Miss Heath.

Our Week in Clee


We have enjoyed another great week in Clee.


This week the children had individual photographs taken as well as a whole Reception class photograph which will be in the Oswestry Advertiser.


In Maths this week we have been subitising. The children are becoming more confident in noticing what is around them and noticing groups of things. We practised this by going on a ‘noticing’ walk outside and using resources to sort and group:



In Literacy we sequenced the first part of the ‘Peace at Last’ story and then read to the end of the story. The children are now familiar with the repeated refrains in the story and enjoy joining in with these during the story. The activities this week included making bear stick puppets, Mr Bear ‘I spy’, constructing their own homes and hearing initial sounds and finding the corresponding letter:

Our Drawing Club book has been ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. The children have drawn Goldilocks’s house and a bear character. They have made up a number codes and a letter code which makes something happen to their picture:



Following on from the children playing ‘the floor is lava’ and talking about volcanoes we made a volcano and tried different methods to make it erupt. We used vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, and Harry suggested we try coke and mentos. The children were fascinated and made suggestions which method worked the best and how to make them erupt more:



On Thursday Reverend James and Suzie came to talk to the children about Harvest. The children talked about how we had harvested the fruit and vegetables.


This week we have started our Brilliant Brushers toothbrushing. The children each have their own toothbrush, we put on the toothpaste (which is spicy according to the children), and the children brush their teeth for two minutes while watching a toothbrushing song:


Here are some photos of the other learning opportunities throughout the week:

Our Week in Clee


We have had another fantastic week in Clee.


In Maths we have been learning about Composition. The children have been exploring how numbers can be composed of 1s and 2s. The children have joined in practical activities to help them understand that a ‘whole’ is made up of smaller parts and is, therefore, bigger than its parts:

We have also talked about time by using our October calendar and counting down the days until significant events happen e.g. school photographs, Halloween, Birthdays. We talked about past, present and future by using our timeline:



In Literacy we continued reading ‘Peace at Last’ and the children joined in the repeateing phrases throughout the story so far. We talked about our homes and the children described their own home using the photos sent in from home as a prompt. The children joined in activities to promote fine motor skills; cutting and pencil control. They worked with an adult to make a pizza for Mr Bear and identified the initial sound of the toppings they used:



Here are some of our other activities from LEX time.



We have Funky Fingers and Dough Disco twice a week to support strengthening hands and fingers in preparation for pencil control and writing: