Our Week in Clee


The children are now settled really well into the daily routine and are now intrigued if there is a different picture on our timetable.

We have had another great week which has been full of learning through fun activities.



In Maths we have been teaching ‘Muddles the Monkey’ how to count. The children took great pleasure in correcting Muddles when he counted wrongly. We followed this with counting and representing numbers activities:


In Literacy we have read some more of our ‘Peace at Last’ book. We talked about the job of an author and looked at nocturnal animals. The children joined in repeated phrases from the book, constructed beds for animals, made salt dough hedgehogs amongst many other activities:



On Wednesday we celebrated Harvest in the class. We watched a video about Harvest and then went outside to harvest our own fruits and vegetables which we used for writing and printing. We sang Dingle Dangle Scarecrow and the children followed this by making scarecrows:



We had some new activities which we explored during Funky Fingers time:



We have had lots of fun in our LEX activities:



Following on from the children making party invitations last week we celebrated Travel Ted’s 5th Birthday on Friday. It made a lovely end to our busy week:

Our Week in Clee

We have had another fun, busy week in Clee.


In Maths we have started our Mastering Number learning.
This week we have been subitising up to 3. The children have looked at patterns of dots and described what they see and how they see it.
We have also looked at comparing size. We had a pretend picnic with a big bear and a small bear. The children decided which size objects belong with which bear. They then built houses and compared the size.


We introduced our  Literacy focus story ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy by having a pyjama day.

We talked about bedtime routines and used objects to sequence this. We pretended to go to sleep and then listened to and identified sounds.

The children took turns to draw and describe  something they do before they go to bed.



We had a visit from Reverend James from Holy Trinity Church. Reverend James talked to us about his job at the church and showed photographs of other people who work at the church and will be coming to visit us in our classroom



These are some other activities we’ve enjoyed this week:

Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Meddins.

Our Week in Clee

We’ve had another fantastic week in Clee.
This week we have introduced Read, Write Inc Phonics to the children. So far they have learned the first four sounds m, a, s, d. They have practised saying them and practised the correct letter formation on the interactive whiteboard and on paper.

Next week we will be introducing our focus literacy text ‘Peace at Last’. We would like to invite the children to come to school in their pyjamas on Wednesday 27th September when we will be talking about bedtime routines.

Here is some of the learning from this week:

Our first full week in Clee

It’s bee a fantastic first full week in Clee. We have seen the children make such progress in such a short amount of time. They are now beginning to know the daily routine, they know where their sitting spot is on the carpet, they are becoming independent at selecting activities and they are making really lovely friendships.

Here is some of the learning and fun activities we have done this week:

Our First Week in Clee


It’s been fantastic to welcome the children into Clee Class. Mrs Owen, Mrs Roberts, Miss Heath and I are so proud of how well they have settled during the first three days. The children have enjoyed exploring our learning environments both inside and outside. They have listened to stories, joined in singing, dancing and circle games, and making new friends. They have developed their independence at snacktime, and lunchtime by choosing their own lunch and carrying their own tray. What a super start. Well done everyone!

At the end of each week there will be a post on this class page showing the learning which has taken place during the week. Your child will possibly come home saying they’ve played all day! They are absolutely right! Early Years learning takes place through their play. During the first few weeks we will spend time getting to know each child; their likes and interests. This helps us to plan exciting activities to extend their learning by using their individual interests. As time moves on the children will be taught Literacy, Maths, Phonics together with other areas of learning.


Some children have brought home letters about signing up to Class Dojo, if you need any help with signing up please let me know and I can help.


Every Friday a child will bring home Travel Ted for the weekend. Travel Ted comes with his own book for you to write, draw or add photos (if you would like to) to show what he has been doing during the weekend. On Monday the child can tell the class about what adventures they have had with Travel Ted.


If you are unsure about anything or have any questions at all please speak to one of us in class or contact me via Class Dojo.


Here are some photos to show some of the learning during this first week:


Our Week in Clee


We’ve had another fabulous week in Clee.


Our language of the week has been German, the children said ‘Guten tag’ at register time.


On Monday we joined the rest of the school in a special day to celebrate different festivals. We learned about the Jewish festival of Hannukah and the Hindu festival of Holi. We made Menorahs and Stars of David for Hannukah, and, as Holi is a festival of colours, we did an experiment using skittle sweets, made colourful handprints, and used powder paint to decorate a version of ourselves:

We finished off with a colour run on Thursday.




In Literacy this week we read the rest of our focus text ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. We were very surprised to receive a postcard from one of our friends. The picture on the postcard was our friend on a beach with Evil Pea!! Should we be worried? What should we do?

We wrote postcards to our friend, we made maps of how to get to her to save her from Evil Pea and we planned traps to catch Evil Pea:



These are the children whose turn it was for ‘Show and Tell’ this week:




On Wednesday we had our Early Years Graduation. The children looked so smart in their caps and gowns when they went onto the stage to receive their scroll from Mr Kenyon. Everyone is very proud of their achievements this year :



To end the week we had a special Superhero day. The children described their superhero costume to their friends and joined in lots of superhero activities:



The children shared their Superhero home learning projects with their friends:


Our Week in Clee


We have had another great week in Clee.


In Maths we have been exploring and learning how to use Rekenreks.

We have also learned about capacity. We used the vocabulary empty, nearly empty, half full/empty, nearly full and full. Muddles the Monkey found it difficult to order the cups with coloured water and so the children helped him. They then explored capacity in many different ways:



In Literacy we read some more of our Supertato book. The children described, wrote and drew about if they were a Superhero what they would look like and what powers they would have:



We had a fantastic Sports Day; a big thank you to everyone who supported the children:



Following on from the children mixing paints last week we talked about colour mixing and what the prime colours make when two of them are mixed together:



Here is more of our learning during the week:

Our week in Clee


This week in Mastering Number Maths we have been learning about comparison in numbers. We have used number tracks to match quantity and play games. We have visualised where each number goes on a number line and have talked about ordering numbers using the 5 and a bit way:




In Literacy we read some more of our focus text ‘Supertato’. We talked about what comes first, next and last in the story and sequenced the story so far:





This week the year 6 children have been making items to sell for their Fiver Challenge. On Monday we each paid £1.00 to buy an ice-cream (or ice pop). We then enjoyed eating our delicious ice creams sitting in the shade:




Here are some other activities we have enjoyed this week:


Next week we are looking forward to seeing you all at our Sports Day.