Long Mynd’s Week

This week in Geography we’ve been comparing the cities of London and Paris. We learnt about the landmarks, rivers and populations of the cities. The children did a fantastic job of researching the cities and writing a comparative study of them.  

In Science we have been learning about reversible and irreversible changes. We melted chocolate in our hands and then let it cool and harden again. We also compared candles and matches and discussed what was happening to the particles when they changed state.


This week in Long Mynd

This week we’ve been looking at density in Science and have been carrying out some investigations where we compared the density of different liquids and even gases.

We have looked at a WAGOLL for descriptions and written our own based on our book Gorilla and we are proud of our presentation which we are trying hard to improve.

We have also been practising our textures in art, preparing ourselves to create our still life art in the coming weeks.