Our Week in Lawley

We have had a wonderful first few weeks in Lawley.  The children have settled well into their new class and are working very hard.  In English we have been finding out about astronauts and have designed a space menu. We are currently collecting cardboard tubes so that we can make our own space rockets!  In Maths we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  In PSHE we have been learning about being a good friend and dealing with conflicts. In Art we have been completing an artist study on Paul Klee and have been exploring the use of water colours.  In PE we have been pirates!  This involved role play –scrubbing the decks, climbing the rigging, tidying the berths, visiting a treasure island and walking the plank!

Well done to all the children have been reading at home.  Please do remember reading at home supports your child so much through all of their learning and we would like them to read five times a week.  Children have been given one or two phonics books which are changed every Friday and a reading for pleasure book which they can change when they wish.  Happy reading.

Mr Howle

Sports day 🏃‍♀️🥎🏆

Everyone is a winner on sports day and we celebrate the success of all children. Every child received a sticker for taking part, we also have certificates for the running race for boys and girls- see below


Can I just say a huge thank you to all the children who took part in sports day today. The children have been training hard and the effort from all really showed.


We also celebrate a sports day superstar for great sportsmanship, effort and caring for others and this award goes to….Kaiden Waite










Each Friday, every child will receive homework to be handed in for the following week. This will be one piece of work linked to our core curriculum subjects. This homework is set to deepen our understanding of what we are learning in school.

Each Half Term, a home learning project will be set as well. This is a project that may take longer and can be done over the length of the half term as an adult/child collaboration.

Hawkstone Pirate Day

What a fantastic pirate two weeks we have had.
We began by reading a book called ‘Pirates Next Door’ by the author and illustrator Jonny Duddle which we then based our English lessons on. The bible story we based our afternoon sessions on was Jonah and the Whale.

During the two weeks we received a letter from a pirate. We all wrote a reply to the letter and sent them off to sea . We researched facts about Oceans, we created our own sea shanty song and even created a pirate dance.

We walked the plank, made pirate jelly ships and designed our own pirate flag .

Thank you all for your continued support. PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday so please make sure children come in dressed in their kits.


Pirate Day

We have had a lovely pirate day in Earls Hill. A huge thank you to everyone for making such a great effort with costumes.

Today, we have walked the plank, eaten chocolate treasures and a piece of delicious treasure map cake. We have made pirate flags and hats, and searched on a pirate map.

Thank you to the parent who kindly made up pirate party bags for each child in class. The children loved them!


Spellings Earls Hill Swans March 8th 2021

The spellings will look a little different over the next few weeks.

I have set a weekly spellings quiz as 2do on Purple Mash. Please log in and click on the 2do tab at the top of the page.

Each Monday the new spellings are on the quiz.

Please follow this link to find the spelling words.

Week 3 Look Say Write Check

Please follow this link to find a dictation practise.

Week 3 Dictations

Ask your child to think what words from their spelling list should go in the gaps. They can either just write the missing words, or you can challenge them to write the whole sentence.

Friday 5th March Earls Hill and Clee – Friday Round Up!

You have all been absolutely amazing over this period of home learning. All of your grown ups are so proud of you. You all deserve a huge pat on the back and a massive well done! That goes for all the grown ups at home who have been helping you too.

This afternoon it is a rounding up afternoon.

Here is the Joseph song for you to join in with again. Can you find your most colourful clothes and dress up in them to sing along?

Could you go on a colour hunt this afternoon? Find objects that are a certain colour. This can be done inside or outside!

Finally log onto Purple Mash and use the 2Simple, 2Paint program to create a beautiful bright picture.

Have a lovely weekend.

Friday 5th March Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Hello everyone, happy Friday!

Firstly, let’s have a reminder about what we have been looking at this week. Complete this worksheet on 2 less. Use the number line at the top of the page to help you. If you cannot print it out, ask your grownup to say the question out loud and use your number line to help you. You can write the answers on a piece of paper.



Now I would like you to be the teacher.

Here is a worksheet that I have completed.

Can you check it to see if I got them all right? Use your number line to help you.

Did I get them all correct?

If there were some that I got wrong, can you work out what I did that was wrong?

I think I might have added two instead of subtracted two – oops! Thank you for checking for me. I now know that I must read the question carefully.

Today we will look at doubling and halving. Watch this short video to show you some double numbers:

Here is a song about halving:

Now we will watch an Oak National Academy video on doubling and halving. You will need a pencil, some paper, and something to help you count such as counters, coins or pasta.

Here is the video:


I would like you to watch to just before the independent task. Then, instead of the task in the video, I would like you to complete this worksheet. Put the same number of dots on the ladybird’s other wing. You will have a double. Write the answer in the sentences below the ladybirds. See if you can say the sentences out loud too.  If you cannot print this page, ask your grown ups to copy it out for you.


Good work today everyone!

Friday 5th March Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Five-Star Book Reviews | Creative Educator

Today you are going to write a book review.

Have a think about your favourite story. Talk to your grown up about your favourite story.

Now watch this video. It explains what I would like you to do today.


Here is the template for you to print off and fill in if you can.


Don’t worry if you cannot print it off, ask your grown up to copy this sheet for you so you can fill in your book review.

Now follow these links to play some online phonics game. Please select Phase 4 games.




Thursday March 4th World Book Day!

Today it is World Book Day.

All over the world people are celebrating their favourite books. Lots of people are dressing up as their favourite book character.

What is your favourite book?

Here are some of the favourite books of people in school.

Today the work set is all linked to the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Here is the story.


Reception/Cygnets – Can you colour in some crayons and write the colour names. Here is the sheet for you to print off if you can.

Colour each crayon a different colour sheet

If you cannot print it off, perhaps your grown up could draw it out for you, or you could draw the crayons yourself and then label them.

Year 1 / Swans – Do you remember we did some work on similes last week? Here is the video again to remind you.

Today I’d like you to complete some colour simile sentences. Here is the sheet for you to print off or copy. Copy and complete the sentences.

Complete the colour sentences


Today I’d like you to start off by singing the big numbers song!

Now you are going to use your crayons to do some measuring!  Watch this video as an introduction.

Now find some objects from around your house that you can measure.

Reception / Cygnets – Please draw the objects you have measured and then write the number of crayons the object measures next to the picture. Use your number formation mats to help you form the number correctly and make sure they are facing the right direction.

Year 1 / Swans – You can do the same activity as above. But, before you measure I’d like you to predict how many crayons you think the objects will measure. Write down your prediction and then measure the object. Write down the number of crayons the object measured. Was your prediction more or less?


EAD / Art

At the end of the story, the little boy draws a picture using lots of different colours. Look carefully at the picture – what do you notice? Things are drawn in a different colour to what they are usually coloured in! For example, look at the monkey, it’s green! Now find the whale – it’s orange! Today I would like you to do the same. Can you colour a picture? The rule is that you cannot use the colour you usually use! No green leaves or yellow bananas!

You can use paint



Or pens and pencils


Or crayons, like in the story!



Here is mine! My tree is pink and the sun is blue!


If you would like to do some ICT today, click on this link to drawing website. Can you draw a box of crayons like in the story?


Now I would like you to celebrate World Book Day by reading your favourite book with your grownup. If you do not have one, here are some free websites that you can pick one from.



Talk to your grown up about your favourite part, your least favourite part, your favourite character, and your favourite pages.

Have a lovely World Book Day everyone!