Tuesday 26th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Start by singing the 3D shape song again.

Today you are going to be sorting 3D shapes. Here is a video to explain more.


Here is the worksheet to accompany the video. I am going to work through the sheet and talk about it in the video below.



Encourage your child to sort 3D shapes in different ways like I suggest in the video. Please send photos on dojo.

Here is a link to a game where children can practise their knowledge of 3D shape. You may need to register with the site, but it is free to do.



Tuesday 26th January – PE and PSED

Yesterday we heard the story of David and Goliath. This Pilates session is based on this story.

If you still have some energy, here is another PE session with Callum.

I hope the exercise has made you feel better.

Yesterday we talked about how exercise can make our bodies fit, strong and healthy. Exercise is also a great way to keep our minds feeling strong and healthy. Another way to keep our minds strong and healthy is to talk to a grown up that we trust about our worries.

At the moment, we might have a few more worries than normal. Everything is a bit different isn’t it?

Have you heard about a worry monster? This is a worry monster.

Worry monsters are great because they read your worries and then munch the up so you no longer need to worry about them! Here is the list of items recommended to make a worry monster. Although I am sure you will come up with great ideas of your own to make one.

I’d love to see some pictures of your worry monsters.

Monday 25th January – David and Goliath Topic

This week we are using stories that have a giant in them. This morning we heard the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. This afternoon you will hear the story of ‘David and Goliath’

Here is the story.

Goliath was big and strong.

Can you remember how tall he was? That’s right, 9 feet tall!

You will be about 4 feet tall at the moment.

Most grown ups are about 5 feet or 6 feet tall. So Goliath was really tall!

Our bodies are getting bigger as we grow. We need to make sure we keep them fit, strong and healthy.

How do you think we can do this? Tell your grown ups what you know about keeping fit and healthy.

Here are some slides to help us learn about keeping fit and healthy.

It might be difficult at the moment to go outside for exercise. Usually you would spend time playing with your friends on the playground, or having a PE lesson.

Perhaps you could go for a walk with your grown up. You might be able to go out on your bike or scooter if you have one. Or maybe you could play in your garden. Have you got a ball you can kick, throw or catch? Perhaps you could practise running really fast? These are all great ways to exercise and get fresh air which is really important to keep us strong and healthy.

If you cannot go outside, ask your grown up if you can put some music on and have a disco in your house! Dancing is great fun. It gets your heart pumping, and makes your lungs breathe hard, which is great for making them stronger.

I wonder if you could help your grown up to make a healthy meal? Remember you need to include fruits and vegetables, some protein like meat, fish or Quorn and maybe some dairy like cheese, milk or yoghurt.

If you make a healthy meal with your adult, can you please send a picture of it to me on Dojo.

If you are not able to make a meal, perhaps you could draw a picture of a healthy meal and send me a picture of that.

English- Long Mynd and Hawkstone

For English over the next two weeks we will be focusing at the book “The Iron Man”by Ted Hughes”.
For Monday, we would like you to look at the front cover and write a prediction of what you think the book is about. Study the image, text and Tagline. We would like you to write a paragraph explaining your reason for your prediction.

monday (1)

For RE, we would like you to Watch the video clip of David and the Goliath . Using pencils or colouring pencils retell us the story , rewrite the story or draw the drawing out in sequence.


Please see an example of story sequencing above.
If you could upload your work onto Dojo or via the class email address. Please remember no pictures of children via Dojo only class email.
Many thanks
Miss Hutson and Miss Kerr

Monday 25th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Please start with the counting activity I have set as a 2do on Purple Mash. Log on and click on the 2do tab. The activity is called ‘Fairy Tale Counting’


Today we are going to be learning about 3D shapes. Here is a song about 3D shapes.

3D shapes are not flat shapes, they are three dimensional. Here is a video to explain more.


Here is the worksheet to accompany the video.



The second half of the sheet uses 3D shapes. If you have a set of traditional toy wooden building blocks, you may find some of 3D shapes in the set. You could also use everyday 3D shapes from around your home. Some of them might be tricky to find, especially the pyramid and cone shaped objects. Here is a list and some pictures of 3D objects I found around the house to help you. Make collecting the resources into a shape hunt challenge. How many spheres can your child find? How many cubes? And so on.

Sphere Cube Cuboid Cylinder Pyramid Cone




threading beads



ice cubes

Oxo/stock cubes

cereal boxes

toothpaste tube boxes




toilet/kitchen rolls



some tea bags.



ice cream cones


party hats



You might need to adapt the questions on the second half of the sheet slightly to suit the resources you  have. Question 2a) can be completed by looking at the picture. Question 2b) could be adapted so that your child is not making a train, but any model the would like using 3 cubes, 2 spheres and a cone. I have tried to make a model using these shapes, the picture is below! Question 2c) could again be any model your child would like using the shapes, but you may have to miss out any of the 3D shapes you cannot find in your home.

Monday 25th January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Good morning Swans! This week we are working on the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.

The story this week is a traditional tale. I said in the video that traditional tales all tend to have the same story start. Can you remember how traditional tales usually begin? That’s right, they usually begin with ‘Once upon a time…’

Traditional stories usually end with the same sentence too. Can you remember how traditional tales usually end? That’s right, they usually end with ‘They all lived happily ever after’.

Can you find any story books in your house that are traditional tales, and begin and end in the same way as our story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’

Today you are going to complete an activity I have set as a 2do on Purple Mash.


You will need to log in using your own details and then click on the 2do tab at the top of the page. I would like you to complete the fairy tale 2do. You will see lots of pictures from well – known traditional tales. Please choose two or three of the stories that you know well. Tell the story to your grown up using your own words. Make sure you start the story by saying “Once upon a time” and end your story by saying “They all lived happily ever after”.

You could even try being a teacher. Instead of telling your traditional tales to your grown ups, you could make a class out of your toys. You could tell your class the stories. Make sure  you use the traditional story beginning and end and make sure your class listen to you!

Please read and write out the Red Tricky words from your resource pack today and read a Bug Club Book to your grown up.

Here is a link to  Phonics games you will enjoy playing. Please play at the phase 4 level.


The website has kindly allowed parents to subscribe for free during this period. Here are the log in details you will need.

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


Nursery Week Beginning 25th January – Dear Zoo

This week the work is linked to the story ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell.

Here is the story told by Justin Fletcher on the CBeebies bedtime hour.

Here is Mrs Kenning reading the story.

Communication Language and Literacy.

This version of the story has a quiz at the end of it. Encourage your child to listen carefully again to the story and then join in with the quiz. By listening carefully and answering questions, your child is developing their listening, attention and speaking skills.

Here is Jenny the Story Lady telling the story and using a story sack. Then something magical happens….

Perhaps you could create a story map like Jenny and the children did in this video? I’d love to see some pictures of them on dojo.

Ask your child to write a letter to the zoo to ask for a pet. Let your child ‘write’ the letter. Ask them what they have written and then you can write what they say. What animal have they asked for? Look to see if any of your child’s writing is starting to look like letters. You might notice some marks that look like letters from their name.

Phase 1 phonics is a crucial development stage. It is the stage where your child learns to listen carefully and identifies sounds they can hear. This link takes you to a game where your child has to listen to the animal sounds and select the correct animal picture.


Mathematical Development

This is an animal counting song, it focuses on numbers to 10.

Oh no! The monkey from the story is being very naughty again, and he has got his friends to join in! Five little monkeys are jumping on the bed…

Please draw a giraffe for your child. Then give them a bowl with some dry cereal (hoops cereal for example Cheerios or flaked cereal for example Cornflakes are ideal) . Ask your child to give the giraffe a pattern using the cereal. Can they count how many spots/patches they have put onto the giraffe?


Here is Mrs Allcock helping her friend Monkey to count the animals in his zoo.

Use foil or paper to make shape animal enclosures for the zoo. You could try making a triangle, square, rectangle and a circle. Ask your child questions about the shapes as you are working together to make them.  How many corners or sides does your shape have? Are all the sides the same? You could even go on a walk  to spot the shapes in your home, or outside during your daily exercise.

If you have playdough from last week, you could also make playdough shapes.

Expressive Art and Design

This is a lovely musical version of the story. Encourage your child join in with the repetition. Especially the “I sent him back” part.

Gather up some toy animals and role play being a vet and make the poorly animals feel better. If you have any boxes or baskets your child could pretend these are cages to keep the animals in. If you have a toy doctor set, let your child use this too. If you don’t have a doctors kit, you can improvise. You could use a small empty bottle and a spoon to give medicine to the animals. You could use the cardboard tube from a toilet or kitchen roll to listen to the animals heart beat, or to look in the animals mouths. Perhaps your child could use some plasters on the animals, or use toilet roll and bandage them up. Let your child use paper and pencils to write out prescriptions and make notes about what is wrong with the animals.

Could you make an animal mask with your child? Here are some ideas…


Physical Development

Join in with some Dear Zoo yoga.


Challenge your child to move like the animals from the story. Can they stomp like an elephant, swing their arms like a monkey or hop around like a frog? Can they run around like a puppy?

Here is an animal movement song.

Here is nursery favourite Debbie Doo making round and round patterns. Her ribbons look a bit like snakes slithering around. Encourage your child to join in with Debbie Doo.

If you have some shaving foam, spray some into a washing up bowl so that your child can form slithery snake patterns or hoppy frog patterns with their finger. The child in this picture is making a hoppy pattern in shaving foam.

Or you can make some gloop by mixing cornflour with a small amount of water. Your child will love exploring this strange substance, and will enjoy forming slithery snake or hoppy frog patterns in it.

Understanding the World

Here is a link to some Dear Zoo interactive games for your child to explore.


Make banana sandwiches with your child. Let them use a safe knife to chop up the bananas, or mash them using a fork.

Talk about this zoo picture with your child.

Here are some questions to help your discussion.

Can your child spot the animals from the small circles at the bottom of the picture in the main picture? You could use them to play I spy.

If you still have some playdough from last week, you could use this to make different animals with your child.

This link takes you to some live animal cameras at Folly Farm Zoo in Wales. Watch the lions, penguins, giraffes and farm animals. You may have to check these a few times as the animals may be hiding!


Here is a video about the giraffes at Folly Farm Zoo

Here are the elephants at Chester Zoo.

Follow this link to the CBeebies ‘animal’ page. You will find lots of stories, TV shows, songs and games that are all linked to animals.



Friday Well Done!

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the children in the EYFS. Both those who are at home and those who are coming into school are doing such great work, in very strange and unsettling times. For such small people, they have shown such big courage, strength and resilience.

Thank you to those parents who were able to accommodate the zoom stories this week. It was lovely to see so many happy faces. We will plan as many of these face to face interactions as we can. Nursery parents, we will be in contact with you about a zoom story session later on today or early next week.

Thank you for the photos that have been sent in, I am so proud of the children’s achievements and so impressed with how you parents have embraced and supported  the home learning for your children. It is not easy at all, but I can see you have followed ideas, used resources and added your own creativity.

I have seen some wonderful Noah’s ark projects coming together. I look forward to seeing photos of the finished models and pictures!

Some brilliant baking has been done by nursery children, gingerbread men and more -I hope they tasted as good as they looked!

Reception children have been following the work set on the website, and sending some great work examples in. I have loved reading your writing about your favourite places and things, and seeing your beautiful pictures.

Year 1 children have been working incredibly hard on some tricky concepts. I have looked forward to the pictures being sent in each day. Lots of you have been working through the workbooks that you were given.

Please keep in touch, let us know if we can support you at all any other way. Have a wonderful weekend.


Friday 22nd January Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy

Here is the story ‘What We’ll Build’ for you one last time.

Good morning everyone!

Yesterday we talked about how sometimes, times are hard. You talked about how you are feeling, and how you can feel better. Today we are going to write a card to a friend in our class to make each other feel better.

Think about what sort of words you need inside a card. What does it usually say at the top? It usually says Dear or To…and then the person’s name at the top.

Then you need to write a sentence like ‘I am thinking of you’ or ‘I am missing you’ or even ‘I will see you soon’.

Then you need to write who the card is from.

I would like you to draw a beautiful picture on the front of your card and write on the inside of it.

Here is what my card looks like. I have made my card for Mrs Owen.


You are welcome to drop the cards off at school when you are out walking for your daily exercise and we will make sure they are delivered. Or you can send photos of your cards and I can share them.

Please also have a go at spelling this week’s spellings – how many will you get right?

Read a Bug Club book to your grown up.