Friday 22nd January Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Ask your child to order the 1 – 20 number cards from their resource pack as quickly as they can, from the smallest number to the greatest number.

Cheeky Challenge!!!

Can they order the cards from the greatest number to the smallest? I’d love to see photos of this!

Please watch this video, it is about ordering numbers. 

Here are links to two interactive games. Your child has to order the numbers correctly.

Now look at this question with your child – discuss it and ask your child to decide if they think is it true or false.

Can they explain how they have come to their answer? They could use their number cards to help them work it out and explain their answer.  Here is the answer.

Friday 22nd January. Earls Hill and Clee Additional Activity

Ask your child to use the following slides to help them tell you the story of Noah’s Ark.



At the end of the story, God sends a rainbow as a promise. The rainbow is a sign of a promise that God will never flood the Earth in the same way again.

Discuss promises with your child. Can your child make a promise to you? Perhaps they will promise to help tidy their toys, or to brush their teeth every day?

Rainbows have become a popular symbol of hope and thanks recently.

I’d like your child to create their own rainbow. Here are some ideas to inspire!

Don’t forget to complete your Noah’s Ark home learning challenge!

Send photos on dojo of your beautiful rainbow creations and your home learning challenge!

Daily English for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Over the last two weeks our English lessons have been all based on the story ‘What we’ll build.

Today your task is to write a fact file all about Oliver Jeffers, the author of the book.

Have a think! Where does he come from? What made him want to become an author ? What other books has he written? Can you draw him ? (see the picture above)

We would like you either to create a PowerPoint( if you have a computer )where each slide is a different feature of the author or write a book review about the book we have been reading.

Think about why you liked the book? What was your favourite part ? Which was your favourite illustration?

If you don’t have access to a computer, please create a fact file full of interesting research you have found all about Oliver Jeffers and his background on a piece of paper or using the template below.

Remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces between your words.


Author Fact File author

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions and we look forward to reading your Author study.

Many thanks

Miss Kerr and Miss Hutson



Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Long Mynd

Aut3.7.3 – Subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number – crossing 10 or 100 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


True or False

HINT:Remember to explain your reasoning and problem solving by using the STEM sentence openers.



Please go through the PowerPoint for todays tasks

Aut4.11.5-6-times-table-and-division-facts (1)


Many thanks as always

Miss Kerr and Miss Hutson

French – Long Mynd and Hawkstone

PE –
Please log into ‘TWWG’ PE channel for the next PE session with Callum.



Todays lesson is all about French animals.

Please go through the Powerpoint and work through the worksheet provided.

t-tp-5909-french-animal-powerpoint-_ver_6 (1)

Have a go at telling us what pets you have at home or which animal you would like to own.

French-Activity-Sheet-As-Tu-Un-Animal (1)

Once you have finished the worksheet please draw your favourite animal/animals and label them using the English and French word.


Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks

Miss Kerr and Miss Hutson





Thursday 21st January Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Maths

Start by using the hundred square and counters from your resource pack. Say a number for your child to find and cover with a counter as quickly as they can.

Now watch this song again.  

Now please watch the following video. It is teaching you how to order groups of objects.

Here is the worksheet to accompany the video.

Grown ups – Please cut a piece of paper into 10 pieces. Draw 1 – 10 spots on each piece of paper, a bit like this.

Give your child about 6 of the pieces of paper and ask them to order them from smallest to greatest. Repeat the activity with different spotty cards and ask your child to order the cards from greatest to smallest.

Look at the following questions and discuss them with your child.

Here is a link to a game where your child has to identify which picture has more or fewer objects in it.

Please can you log on to Numbots today and collect more coins.

Thursday 21st January – Earls Hill Swans (Year 1) Literacy.

Good morning everyone! How are you all today? I loved hearing about all your favourite things yesterday, it made me very happy.

Today, we are going to look at this page from the book.

The story talks about hard times. This means that sometimes people feel sad. It is okay to feel sad at times. Some people feel sad at the moment. It may be because they cannot see their family, or their friends at school.

Here is a lovely poem that was written to help children understand what is happening in the world at the moment. Listen to your grow up read the poem and talk about what it makes you think about and how it makes you feel. 

The Time We Spring-Cleaned The World


The Time We Spring – Cleaned The World

The world it got so busy,

There were people all around.

They left their germs behind them;

In the air and on the ground.

These germs grew bigger and stronger,

They wanted to come and stay.

They didn’t want to hurt anyone –

They just really wanted to play.

Sometimes they tried to hold your hand,

Or tickled your throat or nose.

They could make you cough or sneeze,

And make your face as red as a rose.

And so these germs took over,

And they began to make people ill.

Then with every cough we coughed,

More and more germs would spill.

All the Queens and Kings had a meeting.

“It’s time to clean the world!” they said.

And so they had to close lots of fun places,

Just so these germs couldn’t spread.

We couldn’t go to the cinema,

Or to restaurants for our tea,

There was no football matches or parties,

The world got as quiet as could be.

The children stopped going to school,

Mums and Dads went to work less,

Then a great big, giant scrubbing brush,

Cleaned the sky and the sea and the mess!

Daddies starting teaching the sums,

Big brothers played with us more,

Mummies were in charge of homework,

And we read and played jigsaws galore!

The whole world was washing their hands,

And making super toilet roll forts!

Outside was quiet and peaceful,

Now home was the place for all sports.

So we played in our world, that was home,

And our days filled up with fun and love,

And the germs they grew smaller and smaller,

And the sun watched from up above.

Then one morning the sun woke up early,

She smiled and stretched her beams wide.

The world had been fully Spring – cleaned,

And it was time to go back outside!

We opened our doors so slowly,

And breathed in the clean and fresh air.

We promised that forever and always,

Of this beautiful world, we’d take care!

Author: Unknown

Today, I would like you to talk to your grownup about why some people may feel sad at that moment. Talk to them about how you feel at the moment. What can you do to make yourself feel better? Maybe you can talk on the phone to your friend. Maybe you can read a book. Maybe you can watch a funny T.V programme.

Here is a link to Mr Tumble reading a story called ‘While We Can’t Hug’ 

The tortoise and hedgehog try lots of different ways to show each other that they love each other, even though they cannot hug. I think it is a lovely story! Perhaps you could try some of the ideas too?

Today I’d like you to concentrate on practising your spellings. Please also complete the 2do that has been set for you on Purple Mash. It is a quiz to practise spelling high frequency and tricky words.


Thursday 21st January – Science, Clee and Earls Hill

In the story  Noah’s Ark, two of every type of animal went onto the ark with Noah. Last week we watched some animal fact videos and completed animal activities.

Reception Children (Clee and Earls Hill Cygnets)

This is a lovely website with animal themed interactive games for you to explore with your child. Your child can join animals with their babies, listen to animal sounds and match them to the correct picture, name different animals with wings, identify the senses of human animals, and label parts of the human body. 

Reception children – please choose one animal to draw and label the parts of its body. Please also draw and label the body parts of a human.

Year 1 (Clee Swans)

I’d like you to explore different types of animals. Animals can be sorted into different categories: mammals, amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles and minibeasts.

Spend some time with your grown up following the links below. Once you have learned about the different animal types, I’d like you to write one fact sentence about each type of animal.

If you would like to extend this activity, you could create a fact file about an animal from each category.

All of the following links are taken from the KS1 Science section of the BBC Bitesize website. All of the sections contain a video and a quiz to teach your child about different animal types.

Here is the link to find out more information about mammals.

Here is a link to find out more about amphibians.

This link allows you to explore bird facts.

This is a link to find out more about fish. 

Follow this link to find out more about reptiles.

This link will help you find out more about minibeasts.

Daily Maths for Long Mynd and Hawkstone

Long Mynd

Aut3.7.2 – Add 2-digit and 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


True and False

HINT:Remember to explain your reasoning and problem solving by using the STEM sentence openers.


Aut4.11.4 – Multiply and divide by 6 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


True or False

HINT:Remember to explain your reasoning and problem solving by using the STEM sentence openers.